Tutoring & MYLNS

Has your child been diagnosed with Dyslexia ?
If your child has been diagnosed with Dyslexia, it can be a challenge trying to identify resources that may be helpful in assisting them with their phonics development and reading. Vision Australia, in connection with the Feelix Library, have books and audio players that can assist your child with their reading. This is a free resource and can be accessed on the Vision Australia site. To access this resource however, your child must have been diagnosed with Dyslexia.
Assistive Technology
Everychild in the year 7 and 8 Tutoring Program has been taught how to use Assistive Technologies to assist them with their reading and writing in all subjects across the college. If you have a child in higher year levels and you would like us to teach them how to use Assistive Technologies, please email me so that we can make a suitable appointment time for them to learn. The students receive a completion certificate and a set of EMC approved earphones to use to assist them. They can also come and ask the team any questions at any time.
Thanks you for your time,
Nicole Burke
Literacy Leader - Year 7 and 8 Tutoring