Lost Property

Lost Property is located in the Main Office near Student Services.
At the end of each term, any items still in lost property will either be donated, put into wellbeing or if not salvageable, thrown in the bin.
Below is a list of items that are currently in Lost Property -
EMC Branded Clothing
Size 16 Shirt
XS Sports Shorts
Youth 14 Leggings
3XL Navy and Sky-Blue parachute jacket with the name Harley Connelly on it.
Items left on camps
Sleeping bag
Pillow in Grey Case
Shorts, Tops, Bathers
Medium Black Kmart Hoodie
Towels x2
Runners x2
Pink Thongs
NY Hat
Drink bottles
Blue Thermos
1L Black Frank Green
Beige bag
Grey Bonds pants
White oversized shirt.
Phone/Laptop Chargers
Airpods (must pair to collect)