Courage at Killester College
At the conclusion of 2022 the entire staff community at Killester reflected on the definition of courage and the ways in which we could bring it to light in all of our work for 2023.
Creating time for this reflection is always a priority as it enables staff to "deep dive" prior to the year unfolding and to commence the planning for how Courage can imbue all of our work for the year ahead. We spent time reflecting on everyday courage and the examples of courage we see in the Gospels and in our tradition through the stories of St Brigid, Daniel Delaney and Nano Nagle. Staff then created our Stone Courage banner which is on display through the year as a tangible reminder.
At the commencement of the 2023 school year each year level created their own Stone Courage banner which forms a beautiful display in our Chapel and in Year Level areas around the College. The opening school mass drew on Courage in a variety of ways; three students spoke as part of the homily about times they have shown courage to overcome adversity; we had 7 students read the prayers of the faithful in their own language- a courageous yet inclusive way to celebrate our CALD community and the opening procession was made up of students bringing to the altar symbols of their faith tradition.
In our classrooms we have committed to making courage a key theme in as many elements of our curriculum as possible. In our Year 10 Dare to Dream week students met with alumni to focus on the courageous ways they have taken up the challenge to be people of Strength and Kindliness after they had left Killester, Students in Years 7 - 9 have had Courage frame the development of their enquiry based driving question for the term. In doing this they have explored varying definitions of courage, reflected on how they themselves can show everyday courage, investigated examples of courage in the world today and used the example of Jesus to explore the courageous ways we need to challenge injustice today.