General News

Years 5/6 CPR 

On Thursday, 15 June 2023, Stage 3 was visited by Cameron McFarlane from Royal Life Saving Society Australia to learn how to perform CPR. In this course, the students learnt DRSABC; danger, response, send, airway, breathing and CPR. The students did a great job practising CPR on the dummies, putting someone in a recovery position and listening to Cameron’s instructions and important information. The students understood that the most important thing to do in any emergency situation is to call 000. Thank you to Cameron for a great learning experience for our stage 3 students!


Uniform Committee 

Dear Parents & Carers

We are calling for expressions of interest from Parents and Carers to form a Uniform committee which will provide advisory feedback to the P&F Committee on additions to the current St Michael’s Catholic Primary School summer uniform for girls. 


Expressions of interest may be made by contacting Bron at the front office on telephone number 02 6785 1757 or via email


Expressions of interest to be a part of this advisory committee close Monday, 19th June 2023.


Please be advised that school uniforms are now available to purchase from St Michael's.