Mission and Religious Education

Jacquelene Cronin

Assistant Principal - Mission

Mission and Religious Education


Twilight Prayer Retreat

On Monday 26 June 3.30pm - 5.00pm we will have a Twilight Prayer retreat for adults led by members of the Diocesan Spirituality Team. All parents, carers and parishioners are very welcome to join us. Please notify the Office by Friday 23 June if you will be joining us, so that we can ensure we have enough booklets for everyone.


First Reconciliation 

Please keep in your prayers Thea, Evie, Frank, Hannah and Alice who are preparing for First Reconciliation which will be celebrated on Wednesday 28 June.

First Eucharist

Eligible students in Years 3 and 4 will be celebrating First Eucharist on Sunday 30 July at 10.00am. A note for the parents and carers of eligible students will go home today outlining background information about the Sacrament and details about the Mass. 


Whole School Mass

Our next whole school Mass is 9.30am Friday 30 June. Everyone is welcome.


Staff Professional Development Day

Each year staff in schools in the Diocese of Armidale engage in professional learning around Religious Education. This year St Michael’s staff will travel to St Xavier’s Gunnedah on Monday 17 July and join with the St Xavier’s school staff and the staff of St Philomena’s Moree to participate in a Religious Education Day presented by Dan White. Please note that this is a pupil free day.


Australian Catholics

This year the CSO Armidale has arranged for all families in our schools to receive a copy of the Australian Catholics Schools Edition magazine. The winter edition is going home today and contains some interesting articles.

Key Upcoming Dates
  • Monday 26 June Twilight Prayer Retreat 3.30pm - 5.00pm
  • Tuesday 27 June, Real Talk Parent Session 1, 6.00pm - 7.30pm
  • Wednesday 28 June, First Reconciliation
  • Friday 30 June, Whole school Mass 9.30am and Laudato Si’ Celebration
  • Monday 17 July, Pupil Free / Religious Education Professional Development  for staff
  • Sunday 30 July 10.00am, First Eucharist
  • Monday 16 October, Real Talk working with students in Years 4 and 6. Students from Years 4 and 6 from St Joseph’s Barraba will be joining with us

Living Well, Learning Well

Our Pastoral Care Approach to Supporting Faith, Learning and Wellbeing  


Legends of the Light Shine

Our Legends of the Light Shine focus for Weeks 9 and 10 is inclusivity. Inclusivity is about welcoming others and ensuring that we provide equitable access to resources and opportunities to all people. In this way we show respect for the inherent dignity of each human person and work together to build a society where individuals or groups of people are not excluded or marginalised. This is an important part of the work of the Church in contemporary society.


Celebrating Laudato Si’

We are celebrating Laudato Si’ on the last Friday of Term 1, 30 June. In their Legends of the Light Shine groups students will rotate around a variety of environmentally friendly activities. Some of these activities involve ‘upcycling’- reusing materials to create something new. If you have any of the following items that you would like to donate rather than throw into the recycling bin we would very much appreciate it.

Items Needed

  • Glass jars: washed and if possible labels removed

Fruit Tree Update 

Exciting news about the fruit trees that we planted a little over a year and a half ago. They are growing well and one of our mandarin trees has 5 mandarins. We are looking forward to our trees growing and in future years providing all of St Michael’s students with fresh apples, oranges, mandarins and lemons.



Real Talk

Real Talk is a company that the CSO Armidale engages to work with students in Years 4 and 6 and parents in our schools about getting real on the topics of sex, relationships and personal identity, in a respectful and age appropriate way. Their website says they want all young people to know their true value, worth and dignity and to experience love for all it was created to be.


Topic: Real Talk Primary Parents and Caregivers Session

Time: Tuesday 27 June - 6:00pm-7:30pm


Real Talk is holding two Online Parent Information Nights. The first of these is Tuesday 27 June. 6:00pm - 7:30pm. The second will be in Term 4. 


This is a Zoom Seminar especially for Armidale Catholic Schools. Parents will receive access to our Real Talk’s newly launched Parent Membership Site. Kristen Roe the presenter will be referring to this during the sessions. 

Parents can gain access here: https://realtalkparents.com/armidale

In the Session Kristen will be covering:

  • Current Culture
  • Young people and technology
  • Tips to help manage social media, gaming and screen time
  • Development Changes
  • and more...

Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 534 935 0161



We have received positive feedback from parents across the diocese who have engaged in these sessions.


“Let Your Light Shine” support others to let their light shine and remember “We Shine Brighter Together”

Jacquelene Cronin

Assistant Principal - Mission