Performing Arts News

Junior Performing Arts Showcase
The ‘Performing Arts Showcase’ was a wonderful celebration of the Performing Arts – music, dance, and theatre.
The showcase celebrated the talents, strengths, and achievements of our students in the Junior years. For many students, it was their first performance at high school, playing in a band, dancing in an ensemble, or performing in a production.
It was fabulous to share the talents of our junior students in a performance to families, friends and students.
Thank you to our talented actors, singers, dancers, and musicians who performed in the following groups:
- Year 7E Concert Band
- Year 7 Singers
- Year 8 Singers
- Year 9 Dance groups
- The Little Mermaid
- Dance Extension
- Year 8 Concert Band
Thank you to the teachers who support each help develop an appreciation of the arts.
The show must go on…in 36 days to be exact! Rehearsals are in full swing right now every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon in the PAC where 50 students from year 7 – 12 are singing, dancing and acting diligently to re-tell the story of Disney’s classic The Little Mermaid.
The show features a mixture of tap dancing, classical ballet and modern dance numbers all mixed in together with the traditional songs and the acting of The Little Mermaid. Including large ensemble ‘foot tapping numbers’ and small intimate emotional songs that tug at your heart strings.
Each character sparkles on stage in magnificent costumes sourced and created by the hard-working team; and you will swear you are under the sea when you step into the PAC with the set and prop transformations that are currently being made.
We can’t wait to bring this show to all the parents, friends and students at Patterson River Secondary College! Tickets will be on sale the first week back from holidays, stay tuned for the link to purchase.
We look forward to all of you joining us in the theatre and becoming ‘part of our world’.
Year 8 Concert Band - Open Rehearsal
The Year 8 Concert Band invited parents and friends to join us for an Open Rehearsal early in Term 2. It was our very first performance and we were quite nervous – but sharing the music we have been working on was really fun. And our audience was super friendly!
Performances included percussion items, flute ensemble, saxophone ensemble and the band performed six pieces.
Thank you to families and friends for supporting the band in their first performance for the year. We are looking forward to performances in Term 3 including a community morning tea and our musical showcase the ‘Spring Concert’.