The Mix

News items you may have missed

NSW Tenancy Reform Paper Revealed

The proposals, which include ending no-grounds evictions and making it easier for tenants to keep pets, are up for discussion in a newly-released consultation paper. More…

3 in 4 Offices Potentially Obsolete

Corporate tenants continue to seek out high-quality office space, with a new report finding that 72% of buildings in the Asia Pacific are not up to the standard required for top businesses, and are at risk of becoming obsolete. More…

House Price Growth Beats Units

The CoreLogic June 2023 Australian Unit Market Update found that unit values increased 0.9% compared to houses, which rose 1.2%. More…

Perth Builder Pulls Plug

Parcel Property, which is owned by one of Australia’s leading construction, property and finance companies ABN Group, has pulled the plug on its apartment development arm and plans for two major housing projects. More…

Rise of Necessity Based Real Estate

Necessity-based commercial real estate (CRE) that addresses the primary needs of how consumers live, eat and shop has gained traction in recent years, especially since the pandemic. More…

Majority of Agents Adhere to Bidding Laws

NSW Fair Trading inspectors recently conducted 76 undercover inspections at open homes across the state and reviewed more than 1100 online rental advertisements. More…

Alarm Bells as Agent Loses $300K To Scam


The real estate industry is being urged to be extra vigilant following the revelation that a Western Australian agent has lost $329,500 to scammers. More…