Year 5 Update

5A-Ms Hughes & Ms Cortina 5B-Ms McKneil  5C-Ms Ewing 5D-Ms Stillitano 5E-Ms Christofis

5A-Ms Hughes
5A-Ms Cortina
5B-Ms McKneil
5C-Ms Ewing
5D-Ms Stillitano
5E-Ms Christofis
5A-Ms Hughes
5A-Ms Cortina
5B-Ms McKneil
5C-Ms Ewing
5D-Ms Stillitano
5E-Ms Christofis

Upcoming Learning:

During the next fortnight, students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:

SubjectLearning Focus
ReadingTo Identify the main idea and theme in a written and visual text.
WritingTo plan, draft and publish a letter using the correct features and structures. 
MathsTo solve problems using division.
Civics & Citenship We are learning to understand who the first Australians were and explore their lifestyle and culture. 
Social & Emotional LearningTo respectfully explore gender based violence.

Grade 5 Heroes:

Congratulations to our Hillsmeade Heroes for this last fortnight:


  • Arfan (5A)
  • Rangi and Scarlett (5B)
  • Ilah & Jackson (5C)
  • Isla and Masooma (5D)
  • Annabelle and Grace (5E)

Special Mentions

During Term 2, as part of the Year 5 Inquiry Unit, the Year 5 students collected donations for a local charity called Backpacks4VicKids. We wish to extend a very big thank you to all the families who supported this cause. It was great to see students invested in such a worthwhile charity and experience the learning outcome of how we can "work together to achieve a common goal."



On Thursday 10th August, we have arranged an incursion that will draw upon our inquiry unit, "What shapes our past?" It will focus on the Early Settlement and the First Fleet. This educational session will include valuable information about Indigenous culture and foster a deeper understanding of the Australian colonies. More information will be sent out to families via Compass in the coming weeks.


This term Grade 5 students will continue to have spelling and times table homework.