School News

Winter Sports Carnival

Room 3 Assembly

Room 3’s assembly was based on the ancient Greek Olympics and the Greek gods and goddesses. Since Room 3 has been learning about ancient Greece and Rome we decided to perform some of our favourite information in the form of an assembly. 

The assembly started out at the start of the Olympics and featured the five main events, boxing, wrestling, pentathlon, the equestrian and the pankration. We also had the Greek gods and goddesses from Olympus: Hera, Poseidon, Artemis, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hades, Athena, Ares, Demeter, Hermes and Nike. 

There were heaps of great features including the creative costumes, amazing props, and dialogue.

School Cross Country  

On Tuesday in Week 10, students from Years 1 through 6 took to the running track in our annual cross-country. The event was a chance for running enthusiasts to show their skill and secure a place in the interschool event next term, and, more importantly, for all participating students to get moving, have fun and feel the joy of accomplishing a huge fitness challenge. Each competitor had incredible support from enthusiastic spectators, including students, parents and teachers.


The daily Wellbeing Week theme of "movement" was built around the event, which helped to promote the importance of being active for healthy bodies and healthy minds. A highlight of the day was an exciting guest appearance from "Super Tingle", who took to the stage alongside Ms Felton and Mrs Collalillo for a whole-school cross-country dancing warm-up. 


Many thanks to Ms Tingle for organising her superhero friend to fly in at such short notice.    


We would like to thank the tireless efforts of Di Foster, Glenn Rondoni, Eric Truong and the countless other volunteers that helped get our students running and over the finish line.

Attendance Matters

Congratulations to Billie in Year 6 who won the Individual Attendance Competition for the past fortnight. Room 6 has won the Class Competition for the past two weeks. Congratulations to all winners for being well enough to come to school.


Many thanks for letting the school know of the reasons for an absence and thank you for replying to letters that went out last week. We’re able to amend our records and keep them accurate.

e-Safety Commissioner

With the holidays upon us, your child/ren might get given more screen time than during school term. Have you ever wondered what apps, games and social media platforms are the latest trends for children? Have you been looking for more information about the apps to make an informed decision about your child accessing them? The eSafety Commissioner has you covered. The experts with the eSafety Commissioner have released The eSafety Guide, which is a platform where you can access information about the latest games, apps and social media. It includes information regarding keeping your identity safe online as well as how to report harmful content. 

The guide can be accessed via this link. 

We encourage you to look it up.

NAIDOC Week 2023

We are celebrating NAIDOC Week 2023 during Week 1 of Term 3. Staff have been busy planning activities to be carried out. We have also planned for Gina Williams and Guy Ghouse to perform for our students. Gina is a past winner of the Indigenous Act of the Year in the West Australian Music Industry Awards as well as being the song writer of Wanjoo, the Welcome Song that we sing at every class assembly. 

A local community Elder, Betty Garlett, will be sharing a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony with us.

You are welcome to watch the performance, which is taking place on Thursday 20 July at 12pm in the undercover area. 

WGV Good Standing Policy