Enviro News

Written by the MGC Environment Captains Sophie Hart, Ellery Maguire, Clara Batten and the Sustainability Leader (Term 2) Ms Cash.

Youth Climate Seminar

On the 5th of June it was World Environment Day, and in commemoration the MGC Environment Team visited Melbourne university to attend the Youth Climate Seminar. The Youth Climate Seminar was conducted by other students, from schools such as Geelong Grammar and Melbourne Girls Grammar. 

First, we listened to a presentation on Climate Anxiety, which contained some interesting strategies on how to mitigate the anxiety and distress we experience due to the increasing prevalence of climate change and other environmental degradation. Additionally, there was a speaker from Melbourne’s Urban Forests, who explained her career journey in the biodiversity realm and revealed to us the importance and specialness of urban forests and ecology. Following this, we engaged in a range of workshops facilitated by university students and other environmentalists. One of the workshops focused on the concept of One Health, which is describes how the health of the planet is detrimental to the health of humans and animals. 

MGC Environment Team also presented our interactive workshop on the effects of European colonialism on the Victorian landscape, and the subsequent loss of important biodiversity such as Murnongs. Overall, it was an awesome day, it was very special to not only interact with other like-minded students but to discover and visualise inspirational career opportunities in the environment sector. 



Melbourne Rotary Clubs World Environment Day Lunch

On the 17th of May, The MGC Environment Team was invited to attend the Melbourne Rotary Clubs World Environment Day Lunch which featured key speakers such as Sally Capp, the Lord Mayor of Melbourne, Professor and expert in the circular economy Usher Iyer-Raniga and Gunditjmara man, Rueben Berg,  a Member of the First Nations Assembly. It was very rewarding to be able to listen to the perspectives of prominent figures in the environment realm and it was interesting to learn about the measures the City of Melbourne is taking to improve sustainability. The luncheon,  prepared by Adam D’Sylva was low carbon footprint, sustainably sourced and exampled exciting and unique ways to reduce food waste and utilise all parts of produce. 


World Environment Day Bake Sale

Continuing the World Environment Day celebrations, we held a bake sale on Friday the 9th of June to raise money for Dr Jane Goodall’s charity Roots and Shoots which supports youth leadership of environmental projects. There were some incredible and delicious offerings kindly donated by students and we raised a whopping $300 to donate!


New Recycling Bins at MGC!

Also this term, some Terracycle bins were placed in the art and product design rooms thanks to a grant from the Parents and Friends Association. These bins are used to recycle many kinds of waste that, while technically recyclable, can’t be put in regular recycling bins, by sending them off to be hand sorted and separated. In the strain of reducing our school’s waste footprint, recycling bins for phones, batteries, blister packs, stationary, and printer cartridges are still available to students at the bottom of the middle stairwell and in 216.


Quick reminder: Plastic Free July

A waste reduction challenge, is coming up. There are resources on the website (plasticfreejuly.org) to help you get started with reducing your plastic use and it’s a really great initiative to get behind!


The Murnong Patch Working Bee

On the 3rd Saturday of each month we meet 9-11am on the river side of MGC to work on our Murnong patch, or bush tucker / habitat garden. We collaborate with a local community group, the Australian Conservation Foundation Inner Melbourne Branch.

It’s a lovely, informal get together where staff, students, friends and parents work on the site to weed, mulch, plant and landscape.


Community Tree Planting Day

This year, thanks to great support from ACF and City of Yarra, we are hosting a community tree planting day with smoking and welcome to Country ceremony under the Wurundjeri scar tree on Sunday 30th July. We would love to see you there!

We will also be hosting our Annual Year 7 Murnong Day on the official School tree day (Friday July 28th).