Physical Education

Year 12 Physical Education excursion– Deakin School of Exercise Science

On Monday the Year 12 PE class headed off on the tram to visit Deakin University’s Exercise Physiology Labs as a part of Unit 4 – Training Methods. We participated in a number of tests of strength and power including a force plate vertical jump and back squat power lift. It was great to use their facilities and awesome to apply what we’ve been learning about resistance training in such a great gym!

Ms. Carre


Year 10 Introduction to Exercise Physiology – Cycle Collective excursion

In IEP we get to go off campus to participate in a range of local fitness activities. Our last one of the year was to Cycle Collective, where Adam put us through out paces! The bikes are grouped in teams and linked to a central console so we could compete against each other individually and in teams – so much fun but we were so tired at the end!

Big thanks to Ms. Libris and Ms. Smith for coming along!

Ms. Carre