Careers News

It has been a busy term in Careers this term for our students to help prepare them for their journey towards life after school.


In Term 1, our Year 9s completed Morrisby Profiling which is a psychometric assessment of a student’s career interests, work preferences, priorities and study interests. This term, the students had the opportunity to have an interview with an expert Morrisby consultant to talk through their assessment and questionnaire results to find out how accurate they thought they were. Students had the opportunity to chat to their consultant about how school is going, their favourite subjects and their interests, as well as what they are thinking about doing and career suggestions and ideas. It was a valuable experience for the Year 9s, and they will have access to their Morrisby profile for life and can return to this resource in later years for guidance.


It has been especially busy for the Year 10s in the Careers space. The Year 10 Wellbeing program this term had a dedicated careers focus, and students were given the opportunity to take part in the Mock Job Interview Program. This program provided students with the opportunity to apply for a ‘mock job’ (writing a resume and cover letter) and to undertake a ‘mock interview’. Members of the Rotary Club of Richmond and other local community members donated their time to be interviewers, and the students were very appreciative and gained valuable experience in interview skills to prepare them for future work. The Year 10s were also introduced to the changing world of work, tertiary study and how to go about preparing for their upcoming subject selections. 

It was a little quieter for the Year 11s, but the students have been asked to complete their Career Action Plan over the holidays. The Career Action Plan is an online tool and is a dynamic planning document owned and managed by students intended to reflect their increased career development learning. The Career Action Plan helps students to set their goals, clarify the actions needed to achieve these goals and commit to participating in planned activities.


Things are about to ramp up for the Year 12s in Term 3, but we have already started having discussions with many Year 12 students about their plans for life after school. Several students have started applying for Early Entry Schemes offered by some universities, and many students have come to see us to help with course research which is great to see! In Term 3, every Year 12 student has the opportunity to have a one-on-one career counselling session with one of us in the Careers Team and we will be holding an assembly in the first few weeks of the term, to prepare students for upcoming VTAC and SEAS applications which open on 31st July. 


A reminder that we also send out a weekly MGC Careers newsletter which can be accessed on Compass or on our new MGC Careers Website which also has extensive study and careers resources and information available to students and families.


Enjoy the holiday break!

The Careers Team