SRC News

Yearbook ‘The GECKO 2023’ 

The SRC is keen to promote the 2023 yearbook following the success of the publication last year. The yearbook aims to celebrate student voice and also become a treasured memory of our year together. 


The SRC committee will be encouraging and supporting teachers to collate content in their subject areas. 


The committee members are: 

James Ralph – Year 7

Milja Lin – Year 8

Jamie Spanneberg – Year 9

Zahra Hnakto – Year 12

Cover Art Competition for 2023 Yearbook 

The SRC is calling on all creative students to enter their original artwork for the Yearbook Cover Competition. 


Please bring your submissions to the library. 



You can either create 2 x A4 designs for the back and front cover or 1 x A3 design. 

Your work must be printed. 



Must include the title and year:


‘The GECKO 2023’ 

  • Your name
  • Class
  • E-mail

Artwork created in class, original work, photograph. 

Please keep your content relevant to the idea that we are celebrating our school year and our college values. 



Please bring submissions to the library before July 7th (Week 2 of Term 2).

Gemma Fisher

SRC Coordinator