Legal Studies

Virtual Judge Visit 

On Thursday 1st June, the Year 11 Legal Studies Unit 1 Class had a live interview with Judge Hampel, through the County Court virtual education program. 


This interaction was extremely insightful regarding the career prospects of becoming a Judge.  She generously shared with us her wealth of knowledge and experience using her personal anecdotes. 


This profound experience gave classmates the opportunity to personally ask Justice Hampel our queries surrounding this profession.


One stand out question asked by an inquisitive student was whether Judge Hampel had ever disagreed with a jury’s verdict, to which she responded “There were times that I felt as if a guilty verdict should have been reached in situations where the jury decided to acquit. But, I never swayed the jury for they look up to me in guidance, and as a Judge, I must respect the final decision.” 


We were honoured to meet Judge Hampel especially noting that this was her last day working with the County Court virtual education program. We also formally thank Judge Hampel and the County Court virtual education program for this truly unique experience.


Christopher Lew, Jorja Vale and Chloe Harris

Year 11