Classroom Update 

Grade 5/6G

Mrs. Lynda Griffin
Mrs. Lynda Griffin
Mrs. Raff Sampson
Mrs. Raff Sampson
Mrs. Christie Draper
Mrs. Christie Draper

Wow, how fast has this term gone? It has been jampacked with activities and learning!


We were lucky enough to experience Roald Dahl’s classic, The Twits, at the Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre.  It was packed with hilarious mayhem and big belly laughs! The lighting was amazing.  We got to participate in Cross Country, where we barracked and cheered our teams across the line.  Well done to Delaney for taking out the trophy on the day.  Interschool netball was back and we were able to meet some great people from other schools and join in with some fun.  Last but not least, we were part of a dynamic experience of Church, led by Sandhurst’s world-renowned performer, Fr Rob Galea, together with local speakers and what a time we had.  We sang, danced and screamed our little hearts out with 700 other students, what an experience.



In the classroom we have been as equally busy.  In our Inquiry we have been building and discovering how electrical circuits work and putting on our scientific hats to explain the process.  Discovery really is an amazing thing, it’s where children explore and investigate to answer their questions.  I’m convinced we have many budding scientists amongst us just waiting to make the next big discovery! Watch out world!! 


In Literacy, we were immersed in our novel, Wonder.  A beautiful story about Auggie who has a rare genetic condition, Treacher Collins syndrome. We focused on character traits and how they influence our opinion as well analysing the author’s strategies that were used to influence us as well.  One thing we all took from the book was one of Mr Brown’s precepts - “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.”


Our Maths lessons have been a hive of activity, from multiplication, money and finance to perimeter and area.  We have planned a holiday to Bali on a budget of $5,000.00.  We didn’t realise how much a holiday costs! Those flights take up a lot of your money! We measured items around the school using a trundle wheel, tape measure and various other tools.  According to numerous sources the area of our school oval is approximately 1,232m²!


In Religious Education our unit of Sacramental Life focused on Sacraments as a sign through which the Christian community celebrates God's loving presence. In our second unit, Sacred Stories, we investigated the development of the Bible over time and examined the ways that Scripture is incorporated into personal and communal prayer.  We also celebrated Catholic Education Week by creating a poster depicting what are our favourite parts of Our Lady’s School.



Not sure how we fitted all that in, but we do know that we deserve a holiday after that and we thank you for all the support you have shown throughout this term.    


Enjoy your break and we will see you all fresh and ready for Term Three.


Lynda, Christie and Raff