Specialist Report - PE

Physical Education | Visual Arts | Performing Arts | Italian | STEM

Hello from the 2021 Specialist team! 

Physical Education 

What’s been happening in Physical Education?

Grade Preps

The Grade Preps have been experimenting with different sized balls to practise their underarm throw and catch. 


Grade 1/2s

The 1/2 students have been practising some ball handlings skills like the underarm throw, overarm throw and the catch. They have had the opportunity in using different pieces of equipment to compare how different it can be throwing and catching with them.


Grade 3/4s

The 3/4 students have been continuing to learn about how to be successful in track and field events. They have begun their net unit, experimenting with different techniques within Volleyball and Newcombe. 


Grade 5/6s

The 5/6 students have been learning how to be successful while competing in track and field events. They have begun their net unit, revising over the techniques within Volleyball and Newcombe and using game strategies like hitting into space and what shot to do when to try and and win a point for their team. 


Sport News

Sport Captain Update

Congratulations to Tanisha Milford from 5/6A who has become the red house captain along side with fellow red house captain, Bakari. We wish you all the best in your new role!


Prep-2 Athletics Carnival

On Wednesday the 5th of May, the students across junior school participated in a range of fun and modified events. The grade 6s took on the responsibility to teach, model and encourage our junior students how to do each event. Tremendous effort by all students! 


District Cross Country 

On Friday the 14th May, the Aitken Hill Primary School Cross Country team represented our school at the Craigieburn district cross country event. Congratulations to our cross country team for your amazing effort! These three students did exceptionally well getting a top 10 placing:




Well done to our other participants: Anushka, Matilda, Preet, Isabelle, Joanna, Caylee, Indianna, Mekael, Ismail, Levi, Lakshmeet, Mert, Yakup, Sahar, Hunar, Prabhleen, Adonia, Nasrin, Benny, Anton, Inkido, Arad, Ajapal, Mustafa, Ansh, Bakari, Baani, Chrestina, Narin, Narmin, Hadis, Mishty, Anika, Om, Marseel, Navroz, Ammar, Yasir and Jimi



Woodlands Championship Cross Country

On Tuesday the 25th May, Lacie, Sabrah and Aiden competed against many schools in the Woodlands regional Cross Country at Bundoora Park. Congratulations to all three of our students on such a fantastic achievement! Lacie got 11th in her age group and is now an emergency runner for the Northern Metropolitan Region Cross Country Event in late June. 


 2021 Virtual Cross Country

Following the success of the 2020 Virtual Cross Country event, SSV is delighted to launch the 2021 Virtual Cross Country (VXC). The VXC is part of the new SSV Play initiative with a focus on participating and being physically active.

The VXC is open to all Victorian primary and secondary students from SSV member schools with students eligible to participate however they like - whether it be walking, jogging or running. Importantly, your participation will earn virtual points for your school, therefore, get your classmates, friends, and wider school community involved. 

The main objective is for students to get out and give it a go. 

Get involved, entries close Friday 16 July. 



Grades 3-6 Athletics Day 

Unfortunately, the grades 3-6 students Athletics day at Sprint Athletics Track that was meant to occur this Friday 28th May or back up date for the following Friday the 4th June will now be cancelled at this stage until further notice due to COVID-19. 



This year, the students in grades 5/6 will be participating in the intensive swimming program at Splash next term. We will try and endeavour to make this option cover more cohorts in future years. 


Five reasons your children should learn to swim:

  • Lessons provide your kids with confidence, which is great for self-esteem
  • Your child will learn about water safety in and around water
  • Swimming is a great way to exercise
  • Earlier development of physical skills including hand-eye coordination and muscle tone
  • Enhances social and personal skills

For those looking to send their child to swimming lessons. Please call Splash on 93566800.


Alannah - Physical Education teacher