Library, Clubs & Activities 

Green Team Update


The Green team is back for 2021. After a slow start to the year, Green Team have hit the ground running again beginning with a wonderful raffle at this year’s Mid-Year Concert and the implementation of new compost bins around the school.


Students have worked hard writing to local businesses – some of which have a sustainable focus- and gained many great prizes to raffle on the night of the concert including a $100 voucher generously donated by Terra Madre and a beautiful hamper containing all sorts of sustainable products from a company called Bee Sustainable. The raffle is hoping to raise some much-needed funds to reinvigorate the productive and edible garden with the aim to produce seasonal fruits and vegetables. Be sure to bring some loose change on the night! The Green Team will also manage waste and recycling on the night of the concert too.


Did you know within the last 30 years, Victoria’s total energy consumption has increased by more than 80%? In addition to the garden and compost, Green Team are working behind the scenes to ensure our classrooms across the school are moving to use less power, installing power saving tips and tricks in each room to encourage students and staff to take some action to save power and lower our carbon footprint. Simply by turning off all the TV’s in the classrooms after each class is a great start. A large-screen television turned on for 6 hours a day can generate half a tonne of greenhouse gas a year. That's about the same amount as running a fridge for a whole year.


There are many other Green Team initiatives in the works so keep an eye out as we start rolling out some key actions.


Miss Zoe, Arnika and Casey.


Adopt a Garden!

The Technology Department vegetable garden was in a sad and sorry state after remote learning. 

Rocket and silver beet run to seed had taken over not only the garden but the whole embankment. It had reached the point where the lawn mower was the only thing keeping the jungle in check!

Not so any more. What started with Jethro looking to relieve his lunch time boredom has grown (pun intended) into a regular working bee. Jethro and Wilco of 8C were the instigators, painstakingly weeding and thinning out the veggies run wild over a couple of weeks . Tyson and Ollie arrived on the scene next. Initially content to lean on a shovel and offer helpful suggestions, the arrival of plants saw them pitch in to prepare the soil.A combination of the Yates Garden Guide plus anecdotes from Ollie about his grandfather’s garden provided the list of seedlings to purchase and, as I write this, the first plants went in today. There were many helpers today and I thank them all.

It’s been exciting to see students interested and volunteering their time, plus they’re gaining key insights into the Food Production curriculum in managing an environment in a sustainable manner. Imagine what our school grounds could look like if more students “adopted” a space. Great work team. 

C Baird

Introducing the Working Parts Gallery 2021 committee! 

Working Parts Gallery is a student run art gallery here at THS. The committee is busy preparing for an upcoming exhibition, while also gearing up for their collaboration with the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art. We can’t wait to see what this amazing group achieves! 


2021 Committee 

Artistic Directors: Sarah Bell and Oliver Grant

Arts committee Liaison: Sofia Thaniotis and Majd Alsania

Curator: Daisy Harrison

Senior Exhibition Designer: Alex Scanlon

Junior Exhibition Designer: Amelia Hooper, Zoe Shaw and Arnika Angel

Marketing and Communications Manager: Monica Charan and Elisa Tran