Visual Arts 

THS Makers Market

On March 29th during the Strawbale music concert, the Art department launched our first Maker’s Market. The Maker’s Market showcases student artwork and designs and places them in a commercial context. The wonderful student work was used to create greeting cards and limited edition artist prints to sell to the THS community, funds raised will be used to provide unique opportunities for students to engage with the broader Arts community in the form of workshops and lectures.

We’re looking forward to hosting more markets in the future and showcasing even more wonderful work by our students.


Minna Gilligan Workshop

Last week on Wednesday 28th, contemporary artist Minna Gilligan was invited to Thornbury High School to run a workshop for 50 students from years 7-12.

Minna Gilligan is an artist based in Melbourne who primarily works with collaging, painting and drawing. Her practice often manifests in bold, ‘playgrounds of colour’ with lone protagonists trapped by their state of longing, sadness and exhalation. 

The workshop began with Minna outlining how she goes about her practise after which students dived into trying it out for themselves with Minna and members of the art department providing guidance and ensuring that everyone knew what they were doing. After three hours of hard work and a collaborative cleanup each attendee had produced at least one, if not more, interpretations of Minna Gilligan’s techniques and style. 

The artworks created by students during this excursion are going to be compiled and presented by the Working Parts Gallery. The exhibition will be coming to Thornbury Highschool in early Term 3 so look out for more details around then!

Working Parts Gallery Art Directors,

Oliver Grant and Sarah Bell.


Top Arts

The incredible Porscha Marshall (class of 2020) was one of 46 students in the state selected to exhibit in Top Arts 2021 at the National Gallery of Victoria. We were thrilled to attend the opening night and celebrate her incredible achievement! Top Arts is running until the 11th of July. Be sure to view her work and vote in the People’s Choice Award. 

Read more about Porscha and her artwork here: