Meet our College Captains


Dinuli Amarasinghe, Environment Captain - Clyde North Campus 


What do you see as your role as a leader?

I see my role as a leader bringing a variety of different individuals in the community  together to help care for and provide ideas for our planet and the environment. Discussing new and innovative ways, we as one can help our school’s surroundings. I myself am still learning how to become a better leader each day, and I will improve my skills, knowledge and abilities to provide the best I can for the community, fellow students and our environment. 

What is one of the positives about being a student at St. Peter's College?

One of the positives about being a student at St Peter’s College is that you will always feel you belong, whether it is your Tutor Group, group of friends, teachers or even the counsellors at our school. Everyone always providing positive energy and encouragement to one another, helping us do the best we can and most days putting a smile on our faces. 

Who is the one person you admire most and why?

The person I admire the most is my father, he is ambitious, hard working and caring. He has always been a person I have admired and looked up to because of how far he came and how successful and happy he is now. It was hard when we immigrated from Sri Lanka to Australia, my father worked long hours just to provide food and shelter for us, most days he only slept two to three hours, and seeing him now, how he helped my mum and I throughout the years really motivated me to work hard just like him. I have always admired his kindness for our family and others, his hardworking nature and the advice he gives me to make sure I’m on the right path.  

What are your goals as College Captain in 2021?

My goal as a College Captain in 2021 is to provide for the community my best and learn along the way. Using different plans and strategies to help individuals, as well as our College community and surroundings. Any way we can help reduce our carbon footprint, encourage each other  to consider how we can recycle more and many participate in other environmental strategies in the future. 

2021 College Theme

“I can do this through Christ, who gives me strength”. Philippians 4:13

How will you live this statement through your leadership role?

 I will live this statement through my leadership role by trusting in Christ and gaining encouragement and strength to perform the best at my role as a captain. 

In one sentence what is the one thing that you would  like to say to your fellow students?

Don’t let anyone else define success for you. 



Rubi Rose, Environment Captain - Cranbourne Campus 


What do you see as your role as a leader?

Leadership means many things. For me, personally, I believe that a leader should not lead from the front, but have their followers walk beside them, or lead from behind - ensuring no one gets left behind - an equal playing field. No hierarchy. Just all humanity working together as one. My role as a leader will always be to make a stand, to ensure that those who are unheard are finally heard, and that those without a voice get one. I want to bring students out from the shadows and into the light and help them become comfortable within their environment and ensure that the message of keeping our planet safe and alive -  is widespread throughout the St. Peter’s College community.


What is one of the positives about being a student at St. Peter's College?

St. Peter's College has done so much for my growth, not only as a person, but as a student also. The constant support from all staff and fellow students has created an immense feeling of belonging and community - carrying me throughout my school years. 

Who is the one person you admire most and why?

Cliché answer  - but my mum Nicole. No matter what, she has always been there for me, always supporting me and my siblings. She works so hard and expects so little in return, I cannot thank her enough for the opportunities she has provided me. 

What are your goals as College Captain in 2021?

My goal is to make a noise. I want the school and everyone to know and care about our surroundings, Our Earth. To make people realise the importance of nature - and how to embrace the serenity of our environment, and to respect all around us, and to protect our home. The environmental society will be one of inclusion, and an uplifting and enjoyable time spent by those who are a part of the community - and those who wish to join. 

2021 College Theme

“I can do this through Christ, who gives me strength”. Philippians 4:13

How will you live this statement through your leadership role?

Leadership bears its struggles and doubts, but through our theme “I can do this through Christ, who gives me strength” I will maintain a persistent and patient approach to all challenges I face, in the hope that with the guidance of the Lord, and my fellow students at St. Peter’s College, I will be given strength to overcome the difficulties and we will come out victorious. 

In one sentence what is the one thing that you would  like to say to your fellow students?

Be Unique - Be the best, most authentic version of yourself always, no matter what. Just have fun and enjoy life, you only get one (there's no refunds or rain checks)