Clyde North Campus News

Strive and Thrive

Our Strive & Thrive pastoral program is made up of many elements as depicted below, this week I take the opportunity to focus on Active Learning. Each session concentrates on specific character strengths which support the development of collaborative skills and strategies enabling our students to flourish as active learners. This week’s Strive & Thrive session focused on building positive relationships through the lens of the 2021 Reconciliation Week focus: More than a Word: Reconciliation takes action. The challenge set for each student was How to be a good Ally. Using an active learning framework, students became critical thinkers, using research, dialogue, discussion and questioning to develop informed and evidence-based learnings. Being a good ally builds confidence, connections, and positive relationships all of which supports our children to strive, thrive and flourish during and beyond their school years. Active learning then becomes a lifelong habit. I thank Ms Theseira, Mr Pola, Ms Richards and Ms Keane for the development of this week’s Strive & Thrive session, which brought Reconciliation week to us through active, practical and positive learning allowing us to explore how we can take action towards a truly reconciled Australia well beyond this week.


We have our very own version of LEGO MASTERS at St. Peter’s College. Known as LEGO CLUB, this exciting club takes place in the DC every Thursday lunchtime.  Everyone is welcome, all you need is your creativity and imagination. Working in teams, students 

collaborate to design and build amazing LEGO projects.  All LEGO projects will be judged at the end of each term for creativity but most importantly for collaboration and team effort. So, join in the fun and become a St Peter’s College LEGO MASTER. Thank you to our wonderful library (DC) staff who have organised and resourced this innovative club. 

Rosemary Graham Shield Update

Glowrey House have taken the early lead in the Shield, winning both the Swimming Carnival and the Athletics Carnival this year. However due to the revised points system, there is still plenty of opportunities for all Houses to make a strong challenge for the 2021 Shield. Coming up this term are three House events with five more House events scheduled for term 3. So all students get busy participating in the upcoming House events to secure points for your House, but most importantly have some fun.

Cross Country

Some wonderful results in the House Cross Country held late last week, full details will be in the next newsletter. For a full compliment of photographs please access our Facebook page. My thanks to Mr Samaranayake and his team who developed a very innovative approach to this year’s Cross Country.

Some Reminders:

Car park: Parents and guardians please observe the carparking signage by not driving into the carpark for drop off and pick up. Please do not park in the staff car including reserved spaces.  We appreciate and value all parents/guardians support in this area.

Students not phoning parents when ill: Once again I ask for the support of parents/guardians in ensuring that their child does not call you directly when feeling ill at school. Any child feeling unwell needs to inform their teacher who will then send them to sick bay. Should the child need to go home, the office will ring the parent/guardian. 

Student ID cards: Students are reminded that it is compulsory for them to carry their student ID card with them at all times when at school. Failure to bring the card will result in an infringement and this may lead to an afterschool detention. The ID card provides an effective and efficient way for students to sign in if late, obtain library books, and access photocopying.

Uniform: As winter approaches we are starting to see some non-uniform items of clothing being worn to school and during the school day. The blazer is the correct outer garment that is to be worn with the uniform. The PE sports jacket is only to be worn with the PE uniform. Also, a variety of hoodies are starting to appear, students and parents are reminded that the correct winter uniform must be worn every day and unauthorised variations such as hoodies will receive an infringement and detentions will be issued.


I wish you all a safe and productive week.


Julie Banda

Deputy Principal - Head of Clyde North Campus