While our artists are busy creating inspiring responses to the current competition theme (Before and After), we thought to take a moment to celebrate and acknowledge the winner of July's competition. In July we introduced the competition theme of Threatened Animal Species


What a great way to create art and also highlight some of the problems facing our animal friends! No surprise that many students took their inspiration from the devastating effects bushfires have on the habitats of some of Australia's wildlife!


The winner of the Threatened Animal Species competition is Jaclyn Ngo of Year 9. 


Jaclyn created a beautiful watercolour painting of the Regent Honeyeater. Congratulations Jaclyn! 

Jaclyn Ngo
Jaclyn Ngo

Some fun facts about the Regent Honeyeater:

  • It used to be known as the “ Warty-faced Honeyeater”;
  • It bobs its head when calling;
  • It feeds primarily on nectar from eucalyptus and mistletoe species;
  • It is listed as critically endangered;
  • It mainly inhabits temperate woodlands and open forests of the inland slopes of south-east Australia;
  • It's pretty.

We had quite a few runners-up: Laura Wharton (Year 11) and Delfin Tsalasi (Year 9) created outstanding artworks inspired by the impact bushfires have had on Koalas. Amelia Constance (Year 9) created an amazing GIF of a variety of Australian animals.

Laura Wharton
Delfin Tsalasi
Amelia Constance
Laura Wharton
Delfin Tsalasi
Amelia Constance

If you are interested in finding out more about some of the threatened animals in Australia and around the globe, you can visit the following resources/websites: 


Congratulations to everyone who submitted an artwork for the competition and good luck to the entrants of our current competition! 



The Before and After competition ran until the end of August!


Helen Kuriata

Visual Arts Manager


In collaboration with our Artist in Residence, Vivian Qiu, the Year 10 Design Technology class, students have been using the laser cutter to make laser-cut wooden lampshades/lanterns.


Students worked on a series of hand drawn design ideas for their lampshades. Once complete they went about transferring their drawings into a digital format using Adobe Illustrator. For many students this was their first time using the program so it was a great learning experience in itself. 


From the digital files students were taught how to transfer their file to the laser cutter. Some designs took a long time to cut and the process ended up being far more time consuming than we anticipated. The final results however were worth the time spent and the students were thrilled to be able to take their finished lampshades/lanterns home.

Thanks to Ben from IT for his technical assistance with this task and to our artist in residence Vivian Qiu for her assistance in this task. 


Ms Roden

Design Technology Teacher 


This year, Award-Winning Australian Director, Robert Connolly, best known for his films: Balibo (2009), Paper Planes (2014), and most recently, The Dry (2020), popped in for a chat with us Year 11 Media students via zoom! 

Robert started out the Q&A session by talking about his experiences through High School, University and his path of finding success in such a broad industry. Throughout the call, we were able to ask him questions about his journey through filmmaking and find out ways of becoming a part of a media career for ourselves. Additionally, he discussed different jobs on set, for instance, filming, directing, editing, prop design, sound design, as well as topics such as diversifying the Australian film industry, and much, much more. 


This once in a lifetime experience was an amazing opportunity for all of the media students present, as we were all able to learn about what a real-life example of working in the film industry looks like, and what we can expect if we chose to go down a similar career path!

Jordan Berger

Year 11 Student