iNews Briefs 2

VYL China
The last weekend of Term 3 saw the Northcote HS delegation spend time with other students from 3 Victorian schools who are
about to embark on the Victorian Young Leaders to China (VYLC) Program in early October. The Year 9 students will be accompanied by Ms Sarah Green (who has accepted the role of Program Leader), and Mr Craig Price. On Saturday, Parliamentary Secretary of Education Judith Graley MLA spoke and presented students with their program blazers.
Coaching @ Northcote PS
For the past six weeks, Ms Jacobs year 10 coaching and leadership class have been working with year 1/2 students at Northcote Primary School. There has been a focus on developing fundamental movement skills which are really important for lifelong involvement in physical activity. The Year 10 students improved their leadership skills dramatically over the course of the program and made great bonds with the primary students. Every week the primary students would line up to say their thank you's to their leaders. Thanks so much to the staff at Northcote Primary School for helping to make this program happen. It was thoroughly enjoyed by all involved.
State Schools Spectacular
The Victorian State Schools Spectacular was recently held at Hisense Arena. Four students from Northcote High performed in the two shows. Flora Carbo Year 12, saxophone, Theo Carbo Year 10, guitar and mandolin, Katrina Rotunno of Year 10, Victorian State Schools Choir, and Greta McNab Year 10 on cello, were involved in the biggest live production in Melbourne. Since March these students have had intensive rehearsals on weekends with industry professionals. 3,000 state school students from 200 schools across Victoria performed to an audience of 5,000 in each of two shows.
This year four musicians from the 80 piece orchestra were selected to play solos on the central stage in the arena. Flora played on "I Put a Spell on You" and Theo played mandolin on "The Book of Right On". Our school name was displayed on the four huge screens hanging over the arena at the beginning of Theo's solo. Auditions are held for next year's show with registration opening in mid-late October. Check out: or
An edited version of this year's Spectacular including behind the scenes highlights will be broadcast on Channel 7 on Saturday 5th December at 7pm.