iNews Briefs 1

Drama Solo performances
VCE Unit 3/4 Drama solos were performed for parents and friends at the end of Term 3. The evening was well attended and the young actors were very impressive in the way they conveyed such difficult material.
Studying the theatrical style of Non-Naturalism means that the students are required to transform into multiple characters and have an object to transform. Each prescribed structure is composed of the following: character, stimulus, performance focus, performance style, convention, dramatic element and reference material. Thanks to Ms Metcalf and her class - Matt, Mietta, Louis, Curtis, Madeline, Gab, Adam and Luisa for an excellent evening's entertainment.
Maths Brilliance
Mofan Li has been awarded a medal in the 2015 Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) sponsored by the Commonwealth Bank. Congratulations on your performance in the competition. A limited number of medals are awarded in each division of the AMC for performances which are outstanding both within a country/Australian state and overall in the competition. Medals will be presented at Government House in Perth on Friday 6 November. Well done Mofan Li!
Yr 12 Geographers tackling climate change
On Friday the 28 August, Year 12 Geography students were invited to take a tour of the Northcote Aquatic Centre's new sustainability and energy saving upgrades as part of their topic on Climate Change. As part of their course, Geography students have to be able to identify global, regional and local solutions and policy responses to the impacts of climate change, and the tour provided an excellent insight into the types of projects that can be undertaken at a local level. Thanks to Indy Lingam from the City of Darebin for his time and enthusiasm in showing the class the centre facilities. The class were also joined by LaTrobe University pre-service teacher (and ex-NHS student) Alana Smith.
Geography's Big Week Out
Nina Prendergast of Year 11 was recently awarded the title of top female Geography student in Victoria for the Australian Geography Competition. She is shown receiving her award at the Geography Teachers Association of Victoria Annual Conference from Deputy Premier and Education Minister James Merlino. Nina will attend the 2015 Geography Big Week Out from Sunday 27th of September to Friday 2nd of October in North Stradbroke Island, Queensland, where she will participate in a range of fieldwork activities. We wish Nina congratulations for her effort so far, and all the best for her participation.