Student Leadership iNews

School Captains Elections
Congratulations to our Yr 11 students who went through the rigorous selection process for School Captain. It was terrific to hear their visions for the future articulated at the lunchtime briefing. After voting on Thursday 10 September, Matthew Thomas and Lily Chalmers were elected Captains and Francesca Kenneally and Thomas Hughes were elected Deputy Captains. Congratulations also to Thomas Bell and Adam Schaube for giving it a go.
Debating News
Lilly Thomas, Luisa, Tom and Anna Legge narrowly lost the opportunity to be part of the Octo finals but proudly represented NHS in the final round of 16. Yeshiva defeated the team by 1 point – a special mention to Tom Bell who drew the short straw and sat out for the final last night. Well done team – a brilliant effort.
Xi Wang's Award
Executive Director of the International Division, Sue Christophers, visited the school at the end of last term to award Captain Xi Wang her 2014 International Student Award. Congratulations Xi!
NT Community Program
Thank you to Ms Swallow, Ms Lange. Ms P Morris and Ms Dearlove for supporting the students through a unique opportunity to give away money - the program and presentations were brilliant. Have a look at the mini movie from the Indigenous Tour to the Northern Territory.
Fundraising for Borneo
Isabelle Young of 7B mustered the help of friends and parents and held a bake sale at lunchtime to support the education of children in Tuanan village in Central Borneo, Indonesia. Almost $600 was raised!! Needless to say, Isabelle is extremely proud of this fundraising as it will directly contribute to the education of 20 children to pay for a school building and other educational items such as books. Isabelle has expressed special thanks to her Mum and Dad, and friends Sarah, Esther, Laila, Maeve and Sophie and all the NHS students who supported the effort!
Yr 10 Philanthropic Project
After eight weeks, the Year 10s have finally completed their philanthropic project and have collected over 500 items of toiletries. The school has donated all the bathroom essentials that women and their families require if they have the misfortune of being forced into a crisis centre. The contribution we as a year level have provided to Women’s Health in the North will allow them to prioritise their funds into bigger investments such as their facilities and personal alarms for women who are susceptible to violence from their partners. Thank you very much to everyone who helped us reach an impressive number of donations. Sandra Morris from WHIN received our donations, and was overwhelmed with the huge number of items.
Paddy Butler, Year 10 Captain