Principal's Report 2

Invitation to participate at NHS
We see strong partnerships with all members of the school community (i.e. students, teachers and families) as vital to improve students’ educational outcomes.
We need your energy and skills, and are inviting you to support us by registering an expression of interest to help the ongoing development of Northcote High.
School Council has recently established two new working groups which are designed to support our ongoing planning and project implementation. These groups meet on an ‘as needs’ basis and their functions are described below.
Community Engagement and Communications Working Group
1.Internal and External Communications
This involves coordination, monitoring, and oversight of all of the elements of the school’s communications, including the NHS Communications Strategy.
2. Promoting Community Engagement
The community engagement function includes strategic oversight of the school’s engagement practices. Its work also includes advocacy and lobbying as one means to assist the achievement of specific school goals.
Events and Fundraising Working Group
1. Events management
This involves initiating, monitoring, overseeing and ensuring coordination with the schools operational calendar of all school events over the year, especially ‘after school hours’ events.
2. Fundraising
The fundraising function includes strategic oversight and coordination of all school fundraising activities and developing an annual fundraising strategy.
This strategy will incorporate current annual fundraising practices and develop targeted campaigns for specific fundraising projects.
Please register your interest by emailing Kate Challis:
We also welcome enquiries about any aspects of the above to:
Kate Morris (Principal):
Rob Ryan (School Council president):
We look forward to hearing from you.