Principal's News

Our theme for this year is 



Dear Parents,


A huge thank-you to all our wonderful families who helped to make Fr Gerry's Jubilee  and retirement celebration a remarkable event. Thanks to all those who donated money and sent beautiful messages and art work. We enlarged them to A3 size and put them on the back wall of the hall as a display. We also turned them into a book and presented Fr Gerry with them. We also presented him with the beautiful gifts we were able to buy with the donations from our staff and families. We bought him a dinner set and cutlery set and a new iPad. He had hinted at needing a new dinner set (and he did pick out the design himself) so we bought him the cutlery set to go with it and a few extra pieces to go with the set. It was a great day and it was wonderful that so many of our St Kevin's families and staff could be part of the Mass and the lunch.


I cannot begin to thank Gerry for the support and friendship that he has shown to me in my 8 years at St Kevin's. I remember being a little bit horrified when on my first day in the school he said he was heading away for 3 months and followed that with "But I trust you to make the necessary decisions and run the school the way you see fit - I will not interfere in that." He was certainly true to his word, but I must share how grateful I was to know that no matter what I was dealing with, he would always be a listening ear and wise encourager, supporting me to make the decision I thought necessary. There was not a topic that we could not discuss and I am so grateful for the openness with which I could share my thoughts and feelings with Gerry. 


Gerry has always had a great relationship with our students. He has so much time and patience and nothing was ever too much trouble. No question was ever turned away and no request for his presence at an assembly or classroom lesson or event was ever met with anything but joy to be involved. A new prep child one year asked me "Who is that happy man walking in the yard?" Fr Gerry had been to see me in the office and as he walked back to his house across the yard at recess he greeted the children with a high five and a happy greeting as he always did. 


To be honest I have not really stopped to think about what life will be like at St Kevin's without Fr Gerry - I have not let myself do that, as I know if I think about it too much I will be very sad. I have been so extremely lucky to have such a great boss in my very first principal role - it was an absolute pleasure and blessing working with Gerry and he has helped me to grow and develop in my role and certainly gave me encouragement when I most needed it. I will miss him very much but wish him all the very best in his retirement and congratulate him on his 50 years in the priesthood. What an amazing thing to do anything for 50 years!!!!! We wish Fr Gerry every happiness and fulfilment in all he does in his retirement. THANK-YOU for being YOU!


Cross Country:

Congratulations to all the children who represented St Kevin's at the District Cross Country Competition. The year 3/4 students ran 2 km and the 5/6 children ran 3 km. It makes me tired just thinking about it. They had been training well at our Friday morning running club with Mr Mullavey and Mr Puls. Well done to all those who were involved: Bridget, Diaz, Kiara, Maeve, Evelyn M, Arianna T, Michael, Sam D, Elliott, Lennix, Conor, Trinity, Evelyn B, Lani, Ruby, Chloe, Tigger, Max H, Finn, Jacob, Noah, Mila, Ava, Alexandria, Ethan, Luke, Patrick, Ruairi and Ben.

A special congratulations to Jacob, Maeve and Ben who have made it through to the next level.



Congratulations to all our year 6 children who received the Sacrament of Confirmation last Thursday evening. We were very happy to have Bishop Les Tomlinson preside over the Masses.



On Wednesday 26th May the St Kevin’s staff will be undertaking a day of professional learning about scripture with scripture expert and theologian - Mr Joe Fleming. Joe worked for many years at the Catholic Education Office and then at Australian Catholic University and the Yarra Theological Union. He will be working with us to break open many of the scripture stories we use in our classrooms in order to improve our scripture analysis skills and to help us use these stories with our students in more meaningful ways. 


Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Governance Board now requires all staff working in Catholic schools to undertake 10 hours of professional learning in Religious Education every year. 


This will be a school closure day for the children. We had initially planned to have this school closure day on 31st May but Joe was unable to work with us on that date, thus we have had to move the school closure day to 26th May. If you need care for your child on that day Youth Leadership Victoria will be running a program onsite. 

Please call 0400 756 785 to book a place for your child if needed.

Book Fair:

We will be having a Book Fair in the library commencing on Friday this week. Please feel free to come into the library when you get a moment on Friday 27th May, Monday 31st May or Tuesday 1st June to get some wonderful books to add to your bookshelf.


Bread Bag and Tag Recycling at St Kevin's:

St Kevin's school is participating in the Wonder Recycling Rewards – a fun and easy program for Aussie schools to recycle all plastic bread bags and tags that might otherwise go to landfill. We will earn reward points to redeem on new sports equipment for our efforts. The bread bags will be used to create wonderful things like school furniture and play equipment! 

For every 5kg bin filled, our school will earn credits redeemable for exciting new sports equipment.

Please start collecting your bread bags and drop them in the box in the school foyer.

To find out more please visit



On Thursday 3rd June we will be celebrating our Feast Day with Mass in the morning at 9.15 a.m. and you are all very welcome to join us. Following Mass we will be undertaking a brief introduction to Reconciliation Week in all our classrooms and then walking to Wombat Bend where our FIRE Carriers will lead us in some great activities and games. We will then enjoy a picnic lunch and some time to 'play' in the beautiful natural environment together. We will be back at school by 3.30 p.m. for regular pick up. Please watch out for the permission form that will come home on Tuesday this week.



  • You are very welcome to come into the office and direct all inquiries/messages  to Robyn, but please do not enter the learning spaces.
  • Please ensure you and your children stay home if unwell and get tested
  • Continue to practise good hand hygiene




If you are aware of anyone who has a child starting prep in 2022  please encourage them to contact us for an enrolment pack. If you have a child starting school in 2022 - feel free to access the enrolment form on our website or by accessing the link below. 

Kindest regards


Frances Matisi
