Level 3/4
Level 3 & 4 News
The past few weeks have been absolutely jam packed with memorable experiences and learning for our amazing Level 3 & 4 students!
We are immensely proud of our Level 3 students who have all successfully completed their first NAPLAN! The enthusiasm, determination and resilience demonstrated by the students throughout was a joy to see. Flora & Fauna continues to be a highlight of the week for Level 3, so make sure you check out the Flora & Fauna page of the newsletter to see what we’ve been up to!
Our Level 4 students had the awesome opportunity to check out the Scienceworks Museum on their recent excursion. It was a wonderful learning opportunity, with students getting to explore different exhibits and take part in the STEM Rollercoaster workshop too.
In Inquiry, Level 3 has begun researching and designing their creative STEM Play Space project, designing a new play space in one of the areas around Rangeview. Level 4 has been working hard on creating their STEM Sphero Mazes, making great use of their knowledge of Force & Friction, and Angles, Lines & Shapes (2D and 3D) in their designs.
In Week 5, Level 3 & 4 students had the chance to participate in the super Cyber Safety Project incursion! Our energetic presenters, Trent and Jaz, were both engaging and very informative; with students learning all about the different spaces our information can go online (Public, Private, Personal) and how to create ‘long and strong’ passwords to protect their accounts. Students enjoyed the interactive sessions, and had some great reflections on their learning back in class too! Make sure you register for the free parent portal over the next few weeks.
Don’t forget the RRRR & eSmart Celebration Day is fast approaching on Monday May 31st. Students can come dressed up as a Superhero of their choice, including traditional comic book superheroes, or one of our amazing Everyday Superheroes from the community (such as nurses, farmers, firefighters, and more).
Thank you to our amazing Level 3 & 4 families and community for the ongoing support. We can’t wait to share more of the exciting things happening in Level 3 & 4 with you soon!
The Level 3 & 4 Team