Social and Emotional Learning Awards

Foundation-Year 2 Social and Emotional Learning Awards will be presented at Junior Assembly on Friday 11th June 



Unfortunately due to COVID restrictions parents/guardians are not able to attend assembly until further notice.  

Please Note: Your child's teacher will contact you to let you know if your child is receiving an award and the teacher will take a photo and send it via Seesaw. 

We appreciate your understanding with this. 


Noah FJR- For showing a commitment and passion for reading. Well done!


Jai FMM- Jai I am so proud of how much you have grown in confidence! You are now writing on your own and I love hearing you share in front of the class your special items from home or your great ideas. What a superstar!


Gregory FMK-  For the kindness he has shown towards his friends to help them feel better. Well done Greg!


Emily FJT- For being so committed to doing your best all of the time.


Riley 1SB -For confidently using his reading strategies to work out tricky words.


Vivienne 1MJ- For being committed to her learning in every subject area and moving up 7 levels in her reading. Great work Vivienne! 


Oskar 1RB- For being a resilient learner


Alfie 1KD- For being a supportive classmate and always showing great empathy towards others. 


Sophie 2MH- For teaching others how to respects people, places and things. 


Indi  2JC- For confidence. It has been wonderful to see your confidence as a mathematician grow and how happy you are to take on new challenges. Well done Indi!


Parker 2EM- For being a kind friend and displaying respect towards others.


Zoe 2KM- Congratulations on your excellent commitment to improving your writing