Parents and Friends Club

We are excited to announce the following committee members for 2021:


Committee Meeting: New Date!

WHEN: This Friday 11/6/2021

WHERE: Napona

TIME: @9am




President: Nicola Hyde

Vice Presidents: Georgia Fiske & Angela Rogers

Secretary : Rachel Lee

Treasurer: Sam Sheahan



If you're not already following, please get on to our facebook page 'Ocean Grove Primary School Parents Club'. We post regular updates and reminders for families to keep up to date on what's going on around the school. 



Welcome to the new 'Parents and Friends Club' section of the newsletter. 



Our Parents and Friends’ Club provides an opportunity to participate and contribute to our school community. We work together to organise social events, contribute to fundraising and assist wherever and whenever volunteers are required. We are basically a group of parents who like to help out around the school when and where we can. It is a very informal group and new members are always welcomed!

The Club meets once a month, but you don’t have to attend meetings to become a member. If you would like to volunteer then please join us!


It is a great way to meet other parents and get involved at Ocean Grove Primary School.

We had our first catch up of the year last week, and we're excited to welcome some new faces to the group. We can already tell that we are going to get up to some exciting things this year that will hopefully provide some assistance to students and families, the teaching staff, as well as some events that will bring OGPS families and friends together to have some fun.