Parent Information

Reminder: Queen's Birthday (Monday 14th June) NO SCHOOL!!

Decision making responsibilities for students 

Each parent of a child under 18 years of age has parental responsibility for a child unless this has been varied by a court order or parenting plan.

Separated parents with decision making responsibility are expected to consult with one another and make a genuine effort to come to a joint decision about an issue. The law does not require others, such as schools, to ensure that both parents have consulted with each other and come to a joint decision. 

Ocean Grove Primary School staff will avoid becoming involved in parent disputes about decision making for students and therefore shall always remain impartial.

Thank you for your understanding.


Foundation Enrolment 2022

2022 Foundation Students
2022 Foundation Students


Just a reminder, if you have a child that is enrolling in Foundation in 2022 please call to the office to collect an enrolment form. 

Alternatively you can download an enrolment form off the Ocean Grove Primary School website-


2022 Foundation Enrolment= 47



2021 NAIDOC Week School Initiative

The aim of the NAIDOC School Initiatives is to give an added tool for teachers providing a greater understanding and awareness on the importance and respect of NAIDOC Week, Indigenous Culture and Reconciliation.


Years Prep to year 2 can enter a colouring competition and years 3 to 6 can enter a Poetry writing competition titled 'Back in the Dreamtime'.


The judging of entries will be adjudicated by a panel including delegates from Koori Kids, community Elders and some council delegates. All entries will be collected at school on Wednesday 16th June.


We are encouraging all students at OGPS to submit their creative entries. Some entries will be displayed during NAIDOC Week in some council chambers, libraries and a selection of winning entries will be displayed at Parliament House.


Please see attachments below for more information.





Book Club

Book Club order cut off is Sunday, 13th June

Thank you



Camp Australia





OGPS Beanie $15  @ Looking Smart Uniform Shop



Mobile Phone Policy

Please click here to download the Ocean Grove Primary School Mobile Phone Policy



Optional eSafety webinar for parents

Please click this link to access 


eSafety's guide to parental controls

This Term 2 webinar will look at how parents and carers can set up devices and apps to help kids and young people stay safe online. 

It is designed for parents and carers of children aged 4-13.

It will cover:

  • the benefits and limitations of parental controls
  • how to set up iOS and Android devices for safety
  • how to set up popular games and apps like YouTube and Roblox for safety
  • using family tech agreements and other parenting strategies to manage online risks
  • how eSafety can help when things go wrong.

This webinar will include practical tips, demonstrations and advice.




Communication Via School Email


If you contact the school via email please note that we will take action as soon as possible.  We only process emails during schools hours and detailed queries may take several days for a response.




Premiers' Reading Challenge



The most effective ways to prevent gastro are:

  • wash hands thoroughly with soap and running water for 20 seconds, especially before preparing or eating meals and after using the toilet
  • anyone who develops vomiting or diarrhoea should stay home for 48 hours after their symptoms have passed, as they may still be infectious during this period
  • clean and sanitise facilities following Department of Health guidelines
  • see a GP for advice and testing if symptoms are severe or persist.


Change of Family Circumstances / Moving Houses or Schools


Please contact the office to advise of any changes in family circumstances, especially with newly separated family situations, we can prevent upset children if we are aware of changes in family circumstances.


If you have a change of address or contact telephone numbers please contact the office staff (


We appreciate at least a week’s notice if your child will be transferring to another school at any time throughout the year. We ask that parents come into the office and complete and sign an exit form, please remember to return all school equipment, library books and classroom readers, and ensure your family account is up to date. 



 Custody/ Access Restrictions


It is vital that if there are any custody/access restrictions relating to your child/ren that the school (principal or  assistant principal) is notified and that a copy of any court papers are on file at school.

The principal/assistant principal will then ensure the relevant staff members are aware of the court mandated requirements as per our privacy policy.  




Medicines / Sick Bay

The school has qualified Cert II first aid personnel who are able to provide basic first aid when required. When a child is injured or ill, parents are contacted so that they can choose the appropriate treatment. When parents cannot be contacted, the school takes the appropriate emergency action. In serious cases this may involve an ambulance to the casualty section of the hospital. (Please refer to our Ambulance Policy on  the school website).  Parents are strongly advised to ensure that they have ambulance coverage.


 Emergency Contact Information

If your child is ill or injured at school we place him/her in the sick bay and you will receive an SMS informing that your child has attended sickbay. Parent will be phoned if your child requires further medical attention. It is vitally important that the details on our data base are kept up to date at all times so that we can get in touch with you if the need arises. Please advise us of any changes to your residential/postal address, telephone numbers or your workplace details as soon as they occur.  We also ask that details of local emergency contact persons, other than parents such as grandparents/neighbours/friends, are made available to the school in case we cannot reach you in an emergency, where possible this should be someone who lives nearby. 



Sometimes it is necessary for medication to be administered at school. All medications must be brought to school in their original packaging showing the child's name with the doctor’s instructions. Dosages must be in writing or on the package. Parents must hand deliver medication to the office and collect it at 3.20pm daily. No medication will be sent home with children in their school bags.

A ‘Medication Permission Form’ is to be completed with specific instructions to allow the administration of the medicine. We cannot administer un-prescribed medicines such as analgesics (Panadol etc) without a parent providing the medication and completing instructions. 

On going long term medications must be supplied in a Webster Pack and the necessary Medication Permission Form completed.


Epipen and Asthma medications — Ventolin/Asmol and Epipens are the only exception to this as children are encouraged to carry this type of medication with them throughout the day. 

Refer to Medication Policy on website.


Click the link below to download the Ocean Grove Primary School Medication Permission Form:





Sentral Permission Slips

As you aware we are trialing permission slips with no payment via the sentral parent portal app. This allows the parents to simply log onto sentral to give permission for specific incursions/excursions. Both Parents will be notified and can view the permissions slip details, but as we have discovered only Parent A is able to give permission. 

If you are not Parent A and wish to give permission for your child/ren contact your child's teacher via the seesaw app to give permission. 

Alternatively you may contact the office if required.





Sign In/Sign Out Students During Class time

It is extremely important that you come into the office prior to signing your child/ren out of class time (or recess and lunch). 

Recess time: 10:40-11:10am

Lunch Time: 1:50-1:40pm

If you know that you are going to collect your child/ren during recess and lunch times please call the office prior to recess and lunch start times (if possible) to arrange having your child/ren at the office. Collecting students during recess and lunch with no notice can be very difficult as children don't always hear the announcements when they are outside. 


If you are collecting your child/ren during class time you will need to collect an early departure slip at the office FIRST which you can take to the teacher and they will know your child/ren are signed out at the office. 






(Riding to and from school)

We have had numerous reports of students who ride to and from school who are not observing and following the bike education rules! Please ensure you all speak to your children about the safety of themselves and others when riding!

Please Note: If your child is in Year 3 or below an adult must accompany them to and from school. Bike Education is conducted in Year 4. 





Music Tuition at OGPS


Sylvia Thomson, piano, call 0407 532 954 or email 

(Waiting list only currently available)


Matiss Schubert, guitar, call 0409 868 226 or email


Mike Holden, drums, email