PDHPE & Sport

It has been another busy term for the PDHPE faculty at Henry Kendall High School. A wide range of programs taught from the new Stage 4/5 PDHPE Syllabus, PASS Syllabus, Stage 6 PDHPE and CAFS Syllabus. Students have also been offered a wide range of sporting opportunities with school and zone athletics/cross country carnivals. Students have also participated in a wide range of Sydney North knockouts and extracurricular sporting opportunities.

Year 7 

Health Literacy has been the focus for students in Year 7 this term. Students have been able to analyse different sources of health information that have helped them make better choices towards their health and wellbeing.

Year 8 

Live, Life, Well has focused on sexual health, body image and reproduction. Students have studied a range of issues within this unit which has assisted them in developing their individual sense of identity.

Year 9

My Black Mirror has focused on the imbalances of power that exist within our society and how students can enhance the positive use of power to resolve conflicts and develop respectful relationships.

Year 10

Mental Fitness and Resilience is one of the key skills for young people to learn as they progress into Stage 6. This unit has focused on developing skills such as perseverance, grit, resilience, balance and mental strength that will help our Year 10 students as they move into Stage 6.


In the Sports Design unit students have investigated the key elements of professional sport. Students studied rules and etiquette, technique and form, strategies, and tactics. All of these elements are essential to athletes as they analyse team and individual performance.

Child Studies – Our Child Studies classes have focused on their practical task this term. Learning to change and bath a newborn has been taught by Mr Hoole and Miss Quitadamo 


Body in Motion

Students in Year 11 have studied the second core module of the Year 11 course. Students learnt about the skeletal, muscular, circulatory, and respiratory system. They have also learnt about the difference between aerobic and anaerobic training and how these types of training are essential for different sports.


Equity, Health and Sports Medicine

Students in Year 12 PDHPE have completed one of their options (Equity and Health) and have started their second as they move towards their Trial HSC in Term 3. Students learnt about the health inequities experienced by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population in Australia as well as the inequities experienced by one other group in Australian society.


Year 11 CAFS have focused on Individuals and Groups. Miss Perkins has taught the students about specific groups within our community, power roles within those groups as well as how to manage conflict within our society.


Year 12 CAFS have studied Groups in Context. Researching specific groups within the community and investigating the major issues affecting those groups. Students have also explored how to create a positive social environment within the community.


Our Tuesday sports programs has continued to offer a wide range of options for our students in Term 2. Student have been able to select from either paying or non-paying sports, exploring a range a of community facilities within our local area.  These options included:

Paid Sports -

Pulse Climbing/Erina Ice Skating/Niagara Park Extreme/Gosford Tennis


Non-Paying Sports -Basketball/Powerwalking/Netball/Soccer/ Badminton/Volleyball/Yoga/Oz Tag/20-20 Cricket


A huge thanks to Mr Mellish for his organisation of the Tuesday Sport Program,

School and Zone Carnivals.


The Henry Kendall High School Athletics Carnival was held early in Term 2. After missing out on the carnival last year, the 2021 carnival was extremely well attended by our students with over 80 students qualifying for the Brisbane Water Zone carnival which was held in Week 10. The PDHPE faculty would like to congratulate all students who returned their permission notes and attended the Brisbane Water Zone Carnival. All the best to those students who have qualified for the Sydney North Carnival in Term 3.

We would also like to congratulate the students that participated in the Brisbane Water Zone Cross Country carnival earlier in the term. Numerous students went through to the Sydney North Zone Carnival with a special mention to Lachlan Glasson progressing to the Combined High Schools Carnival as a representative for Sydney North.


Extracurricular Sporting Activities and Sydney North Sport

Term 2 has also given students opportunities to participate in a wide range of extracurricular sporting opportunities. In addition to the Sydney North Knockouts undertaken in Term 1, students participated in the Sydney North Under 15’s Girls Netball, Open Girls Football, Under 15’s Boys Basketball competitions. Thanks to all the teachers that coached these teams.


Congratulations must also go to our Under 16’s Girls and Under 19’s Boys Futsal teams who qualified for the Champions of Champions State Titles in Maitland. These teams will play in Week 10 and we look forward to hearing their results.


Well done to all of the students who represented Henry Kendall this term.



Mr Gareth Wright

Head Teacher PDHPD