Infants and Primary

From the classrooms



What an interesting fortnight it has been for our whole school community. We are all feeling pleased and lucky to live and work in beautiful Boorowa and enjoy the freedom that we have. Our Infants students have had a great couple of weeks working together and making the most of our learning opportunities. Lots of us have had the chance to visit and work in other classrooms which has been a lot of fun – something we will miss over the next week or two but will look forward to once we return to learning at school.



In Kindergarten we have been busy learning about capacity and volume in mathematics. We have explored different sized objects and compared how much they can hold and we all love learning with these hands-on experiences. When the sun finally came out, we went outside to see how big a structure we could make using waffle and brick blocks with our friends from Yindy – we made some big enough to fit our friends in!


Kindergarten students were also very excited to have some of our buddies from Year 6 come and help us with our craft. They helped draw, design and paint the bodies and heads of some colourful, crazy birds that we hope to hang up in our classroom. Fingers crossed we can ask them back into our room to add the feathers, eyes and beaks very soon! A big shout out to our buddies for their help!


When learning from home this week, make the most of the extra time at home with your family. Try and check into the Google Classroom each day and complete as many tasks as you can. Remember that you can always type in a question or call the school to ask – we are still here to help and support our students and families as much as possible. And finally, we really appreciate the help given at home from parents, siblings, grandparents and so on – we couldn't do it without you – thank you!


Ms Mem Brougham I Kindergarten Teacher

Assistant Principal Infants (Relieving)

We are disappointed that we are unable to hold our planned Kindergarten Orientation Program this term, however we will be in touch shortly to confirm dates and provide further details for Term 4 in the upcoming weeks, pending COVID-19 restrictions.

Thank you for your understanding.


Ms Mem Brougham I Kindergarten teacher

Assistant Principal Infants (Relieving)


Year 2/3

Year 2/3 have had a lovely start to Term 3. 

In mathematics, we have been learning about money and how to make amounts using a combination of coins and notes. Money bingo was a fun way to put our learning into practice. We are now moving on to measurement. 


With the support of our high school buddies during peer tutoring for reading, we have challenged ourselves with more complicated texts. We have also been studying poetry this term and we are looking forward to sharing the poems we have created with our families.

The class had fun creating some spring art in anticipation of the change in season.

We also managed to fill our feather box and decided to have a mufti day for our class, which was lots of fun.


In class, we have been reading The BFG by Roald Dahl and can't wait to finish it when we return to school.


Natalie Downey I Class Teacher



Welcome back to online learning in our Primary classrooms! Unfortunately, with the beginning of our 'At Home Learning', we have seen the cancellation of this week's Touch Football Day and District Athletics. When school returns to normal, we will do our best to arrange suitable alternatives.


Teachers have been busily preparing online tasks, and we are doing our best to keep them as consistent as possible as our last phase of online learning. There is plenty of information on our school Facebook page, and all students in the upper primary years have accessed our Google Classroom platform before.​


All of the staff are excited about introducing our students to the new Boorowa Central School Innovation Centre. Mr Corcoran has been very busy for the last year getting this learning space ready, and the staff took a quick tour of the classroom this week. There's Lego, tools, paints, cardboard, tables and chairs on wheels, brand new workbenches and all of the equipment needed for any STEM or creative arts project. It is an awesome place to learn in. Our STEM classes will be taking place there once face to face learning resumes.

4/5 Class

Learning in the 4/5 classroom over the last fortnight has been fun and exciting! We have started rehearsing our SMArt and Drama item and are enjoying creating a performance that we can share with you shortly! It is looking and sounding wonderful!


In mathematics, we have been learning about symmetry, flips, turns and slides and tessellation of shapes and enjoyed exploring the playground to find symmetrical shapes. We had to count how many lines of symmetry different shapes had. We have incorporated Art into our maths lesson, finishing grid drawings to make sure they are symmetrical on both sides.

In literacy, we have continued with our paper planes unit. Students are looking forward to holding a paper plane competition when we return to school. We have also been reading a story about wind turbines and are illustrating four chapters that will be published later this year. We can't wait to see our student's drawings in a published book, which will be shared with our school.


This week we have moved back into the Google Classroom to undertake learning from home. It is so good to see so many students online and engaging in their online activities. Students have once again shown how resilient they are in adapting to the changes within our current situation. 

Mrs Kylie Corcoran I 4/5 Class Teacher

5/6 Class

In English, we are continuing our reading and writing focus on R. J. Palacio's 'Wonder', exploring characters in-depth, how people are treated, the nature of disabilities and how communities need to function positively. It's a sensational read and we recommend it!


In mathematics, we have finished our unit of the four operations, and have moved on to data representation. We are becoming experts at reading, interpreting and creating bar graphs, column graphs, line graphs, sector graphs (pie charts) and all manner of data!


In science, we are exploring sustainable farming - seeing the huge issues facing our environment the world over. Did you know that you can now buy edible spoons to replace plastic ones?


As always, please get in touch with us here at the school if you need to.​ Our doors can't physically be open at this time due to restrictions, but we will do our best to support you and your family here at Boorowa Central School.


Jason Stuart I 5/6 Class Teacher

Assistant Principal Primary (Relieving)

Robotics for STEM


During STEM Year 5/6 learnt to build and code Lego Robots. This involved following step by step instructions, carefully creating a robot that could follow orders. The orders this week were to move ahead for 4 seconds, make a U turn and return to the starting position.

Once this was achieved the students experimented with loop commands so that the robot would continue until it was turned off. 

It was lots of fun, and the students are eagerly awaiting the next lesson!


Mrs Willow Bridge I STEM Teacher

Book Fair

Due to the current COVID-19 lockdown and restrictions, we have had to postpone Book Fair.  

We look forward to announcing a new date in the near future. Thank you for your understanding.


Michelle Cusack I Library Administration

National Pyjama Day


Boorowa Central School Student Representative Council (SRC) held a mufti day last week to raise funds for the Pyjama Foundation's Love of Learning Program which is offered to children in foster care.

Donations go towards providing children their very own special Pyjama Angel mentor who empowers them with learning, life skills and confidence to change the direction of their life.

A total of $257 was raised.


Anna Armstrong I SRC Coordinator

Merit Reminder

The Term 3 merit event will be in Week 9 for secondary and Week 10 for primary.

Don't forget to hand in your merits so they can be counted before Week 9.