From the Dorms



We have all experienced a turbulent start to Term 4, but the Junior Girls have returned to boarding with smiling faces (I’m assuming, due to the masks)

Here’s a couple of pictures that we think capture the essence of boarding/living in these covid times.





Floating heads - Tara, Claire, Evie, Maggie and Maddy C












Evie before swimming








Niane, Lucy C and Bonnie’s COVID safe workout (they are wearing masks but they’re a bit hard to see)


Lara Plum I  Junior Girls Supervisor





Empty hallways echoed with loud whispers of “where are all the girls?”

We have gone through lockdown, a week of only year 12’s in the boarding house, holidays and now Covid procedures. 

We are all desperate, like everyone else, to return to ‘normal’  life, at school, in boarding and in our communities.

And as for physical distancing, scanning to check in and mask wearing…………….also hoping they are gone soon too. We all want to see smiles not masks.

On a more positive note, congratulations to Louise Madden for winning the B Grade netball Best and Fairest player award at Osborne on the weekend.

Term 3 - Sally looking smart for birthday dinner
The fitness girls
Term 3 - Sally looking smart for birthday dinner
The fitness girls


Masks on and physically distanced
Masks on and physically distanced
Supper Space being trialed in Senior Girls
Supper Space being trialed in Senior Girls


Empty hallway
Empty hallway
Not a sign of a boarder cleaning their teeth
Not a sign of a boarder cleaning their teeth


Robin Bussenschutt I Senior Girls Supervisor




After a stop and start to Term 4, it looks like we are settling in and hopefully soon, things will begin to resemble what used to be the norm. Not all boys have returned yet due to testing and isolation but we should have a full house again from Week 3. We are looking forward to catching up with the Junior Boys for a chat and finding out what they got up to during the holidays. Thank you to the parents for their patience and understanding during recent times. The boys have been very cooperative and helpful under the stressful and unusual Covid-19 times - I cannot praise them enough.

Naomi Barton I Junior Boys' Supervisor 




After a  very enjoyable holiday,  Term 4 has really tested the resilience of all students and to their credit they have handled this period extremely well. We have had a couple of Year 12 students return to the Boarding school to utilise the school for extra study leading up to the HSC.  The year 11 students have been settling in well and are coming to terms with their recent new roll as leaders of the Boarding school. We wish our Boarding House Co-Captain Mason Crane a speedy recovery after having a nasty accident at home on the farm.


Eli and Joe relaxing
Eli and Joe relaxing





Wayne Galvin I Senior Boys Supervisor