A Word of Encouragement

Paralympians are amazing people. I’ve just been reading some of their bio’s. As I read more of their stories, what so impresses me is not only the determination that they share with any elite sportsperson, but the way they model persistence in the face of significant challenges, setbacks, and suffering. Whether born with their disability or acquiring it through what life has thrown at them (e.g. cancer, car accident, or even in combat), these athletes have kept going, step by step, eyes fixed on the prize. Even when it might have been easier to give up, get angry or turn to self-pity, these athletes have pressed on through the hurdles to get to where they are today.  If only we could bottle something of their resilience and strength of character and that we could all take a swig!


We all of us need heroes, people who inspire us and whose example spurs us on to greater heights ourselves.  The Paralympians are one such example.  Another is Jesus, the one called the Pioneer and Perfector of the Christian faith. He’s gone ahead of us, drawing us towards the fullness of God’s plan for us and the world. And he has pioneered the way for us, walking the track before us, tackling its valleys and rocky places, and forging the path along which we can then tread.


We may not have wished for this current path of homeschool and lockdown, but this track is giving us all the chance to learn resilience and determination. Like muscles that develop from starting a weights program, these characteristics are only ever developed through trials. Make sure you stop to take note of your growth! In the same way as you might enjoy the six-pack beginning to show in your reflection, remember to look back, celebrate, and give thanks for the growth in resilience the covid world has been working in you. And make sure, too, that you keep looking ahead to the heroes pioneering the way for you who will keep spurring you on.


Rev Karen Reid

School Chaplain