From the Head

Attempts to stay up to date with ever-changing information about the coronavirus pandemic can cause us to lose sight of all the things that still have to occur that are not related to keeping our community safe. In light of this, there are three things I would like to share with you that might usually seem ‘hum drum’ but, in the current climate, might provide blessed relief from commentary about COVID-19. 


For those who do not work in the education sector, you may not be aware that it is hiring season for the 2022 school year. Like many schools, we have advertised several teaching and leadership positions in recent weeks and interviewed candidates via Zoom from near and far. We are delighted with the calibre of applicants we have received, including internal applicants and those wishing to leave Melbourne, and look forward to making appointments soon. 


One new appointment that will be made for the commencement of 2022 is the position of Head of Senior School. This is a newly created role that will oversee enhancement of the processes, people and policies that underpin Senior School student wellbeing and academic care and outcomes. Within the context of striving for excellence in all endeavours, the Head of Senior School will be responsible for directing and delivering an exceptional secondary school experience for all students in Years 7 to 12. This is an exciting opportunity for someone with relevant experience and an exceptional track record to make a significant contribution to Girton, and I look forward to making this impactful appointment. 


Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) is pleased that the annual satisfaction surveys for students, parents and staff are tracking well given our reluctance for more screen-based activity.  Students from Year 5 to Year 12 have been reminded this week to have their say, and we would be grateful if parents of children in these year levels encourage participation in the survey, which will take no more than ten minutes. Likewise, we are still seeking input from parents who have not yet completed the survey. 


Either or both parents can answer the survey questions to give the school information that can be used to help make decisions about what’s working well and what might improve the school. Only aggregated results are provided to the school from ISV, meaning parents cannot be identified. However, open-ended comments are reported back verbatim. The survey, which will close on Monday 6th September, can be found here: 



Finally, as required by the Victorian Registrations and Qualifications Authority (VRQA), I draw your attention to our annual Report to the Community (2020), which is now available on our website.



Please enjoy losing sight of the coronavirus pandemic by reading this edition of the eLink and marvelling at the remarkable work and achievements of our teachers and students at this testing time. 


Dr Clayton Massey