Principal's Report
Newsletter – 1st September
Hello Everyone,
I really just wanted to say hello to everyone! What glorious weather we have had over the last couple of days, I hope you all managed to get out and enjoy the sun – what a fabulous start to Spring!
I would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to our wonderful Parents Representatives and and in particular the talented Naomi Van Der Zweep and Asheligh O'Neill, who took time out to create fabulous Father’s Day packs, for not only the Dads of Launching PIace Primary, but also the significant male role models in our children’s lives. As I was working the stall on Friday, I noted it proved very difficult for many to choose between such varied packs, there was lots of toing and froing! The sheer joy on our children’s faces was priceless. I hope you all enjoy Father’s Day, whatever that looks like for you.
Families of students in Year 3 and 5, you should have received a Compass post by now regarding the delivery of your child/s NAPLAN results. Remember to keep an eye out in the mail next week for the arrival of your child/s Individual Student Report. If you have any questions regarding your child’s report, please don’t hesitate to contact your child/s teacher.
Whilst I would love to be saying ‘welcome back’ to all families come Friday, alas, we remain in Lockdown. I hope you are all coping with this extended Lockdown. Again my email is and my personal mobile is 0422 132 769, should you need to reach out.
Take Care,
Tracy Wright