Secondary School Enrolment offers
Secondary school enrolment offers
This term enrolment offers for secondary school will be sent to the families of our year 6 and 7 students. It is important for you to know that not all schools will send out their enrolment offers at the same time, but they will be sent as close as possible to 13 August 2021.
Most families will receive their offer via email. If you think you have not received your enrolment offer from your secondary school, you need to check your junk folder for an email from
If you did not provide an email address on your Registration of Interest form, you will receive your enrolment offer in the mail or it will be handed to you by your child.
If your enrolment offer has not arrived by 18 August, please ring the front office on 82612248 and we can follow up with the secondary school on your behalf.
If you need support to accept your enrolment offer, it is best to contact your allocated secondary school and they can step you through the process.