Library News

Book Fair

The book fair is happening this week until Monday for sales. All students have had an opportunity to look and write their wish list. Payment is via cash, online or you may visit before and after school . You will need to wear a mask and check in via the QR code.

If you would like to purchase please remember that Monday is the last day for sales.

Thank you for your support so far....


Preschool Visits


Each week our preschoolers visit over two days. Its a lovely opportunity for us to connect with our preschoolers and for them to feel part of the school community.


Over the last few weeks they have been involved in our book week celebrations. Miss Bliss's Room 2  put on a play "Your Birthday Was The Best"  and then all groups  had the opportunity to use  the ipads  navigating the QR codes on Miss Carly and Mrs Fletchers class's "Busy Beaks" display.






We finished our celebrations with a buddy reading session which was enjoyed by us all.