Students of the Week

The following students will receive their certificates assemblies on the following dates:

Friday 13th May

Charlotte  (Prep A) - For showing great patience and resilience when faced with a challenge. Charlotte I was so proud to see you bounce back and know that you can do it again. Well done

Lulu P (12A) - For displaying her personal best when narrative planning. Lulu, it’s awesome to see you come up with new original ideas with your narrative writing. Keep up the awesome work! 

Inara P (12B) -  For showing respect and helping others. Inara you are always willing to help others with their learning. Keep being amazing!

Walter H B (12C) - For consistently contributing to class discussions and showing mutual respect. We loved hearing your knowledge and ideas during our music lesson so we could all learn together. Well done, Walter!

Jake S (34A) - For approaching your learning with a positive attitude and a growth mindset. It is fantastic to see you persevering and using different strategies to solve challenges. Keep it up superstar!

Sam N (34B) - For being such a super mathematician and confidently sharing his understandings of division. Sam demonstrated excellent book work, writing his equations using the short division format, and completed his working out with success. Well done Sam!

Amy K (34C) -  For ongoing commitment to Personal Best and overcoming challenge. You are jumping head first into the learning pit and this is showing in the outstanding work you produce. Well Done Amy. Keep up the great work.

Michael D (56A) - For the exceptional amount of energy he puts into every piece of work, the respect he continually demonstrates towards his teachers and peers and for the humour he brings into our grade every day.

Roman H (56B) - For consistently demonstrating what a great classmate is. You're always looking out for your peers and trying your Personal Best at everything you do.



Friday 20th May

Na tha nael (Prep A) - For always joining in our activities and doing your Personal Best every time. You are a superstar and it’s so lovely to see you feeling proud of your work. 

Ryker O’H (12A) - For working hard during maths lessons. Ryker, it is amazing to see you always using your problem solving skills when skip counting.  Amazing effort! 

Mia J (12B) - For demonstrating the tribes value of personal best. Mia you always participate and put in your best effort in your learning. Keep up the amazing effort Mia! 

Jordy O'H (12C) - For showing outstanding effort in our writing lessons. We love hearing your creative ideas and narratives. Well done on working hard to form your letters correctly and using the correct letter sounds.  Jordy keep up the amazing effort!

Annabel G (34A) -For the way that you persist when faced with a challenge. It is great to see that you don’t give up when you find yourself in the learning pit. Just sensational!

Mitchell W (34B) -For sharing during circle time his Lego creation that he is designing and constructing at home. Mitchell is always happy to share personal anecdotes and make our discussions more interesting. Thanks for actively participating in all activities Mitchell.

Jinwei L (34C) - For consistently striving to achieve his Personal Best and choosing challenge at every opportunity. You embody a growth mindset and are an insperation yo your peers in this space. Well done! 

Mia S (56A) - For all the effort she puts into her school work, the respect she continuously demonstrates to staff and students and the empathy she shows towards others in our school community.

Remy S-S (56B) - For applying yourself and trying your Personal Best in writing over the past week. It's been great seeing how you've used TEEL paragraphs to structure your persuasive writing.