What are the students doing? 

Que font les élèves ?

From our student leaders / De nos capitaines d'école

Gavriel Starr, 56B 

This term, students from grade 3-6 will be participating in the Berthe Mouchette competition. For the competition, we are required to recite a poem in French. The competition will happen at school on Wednesday the 8th of June. We wish the best of luck to all participants ! Next week, we encourage you to bring in your CJC sanitiser bottle you received last year. For 1$ only, the school will refill your bottle. The money raised will go to upcoming SL projects. 


Kian Carter Fourcroy, 6F

As students leaders, we are always searching for ways of contributing and leaving our mark on our amazing school. We have a few exciting projects currently in the works.  We require the support of our community. Our plan is to organise a fundraiser at the end of this term. The funds raised will go towards our exciting projects which will be revealed in Term 3.


Capucine Husser, 6F

In grade 5/6, we are currently doing inquiry rotations about key events in the 20th century. Our classes are split into six groups and we learn about a specific decade. We are also exploring historical genre in English class about a photo we found that relates to Inquiry. 


Noam Goldwasser, 56B

This term, we had the second round for district cross country. Congratulations to the people who got into districts and into the division. Thank you so much to the teachers who organised cross-country (especially Miss Triscari). We want to congratulate, the students who participated in cross-country, great work. Have a great weekend everyone. 

L'école d'avant chez les 2G / Olden days' school in 2G

C'était le tour de la classe 2G de décrouvrir les différences entre l’école d’avant et l’école de maintenant. Une partie de ce projet était de découvrir des photos de  l’artiste Robert Doisneau, les décrire, donner nos impressions, et recréer les photos façon CJC 2022 ! 


It was 2G's cohort's turn to discover the differences between the olden days' and today's schools. Part of this project was to describe the photos, comment and recreate them CJC 2022 style! 


Grade 3 / 4s cruising the Yarra

In the 3/4 area we are studying Melbourne and how it has changed. On Monday May 24th the cohort went on a River Cruise up and down the Yarra River. On our cruise we saw so many of Melbourne’s wonderful attractions, including, Flinders Street Station, MCG, AAMI stadium, Botanical Gardens, Marvel Stadium just to name a few.


En 6ème on s'ammuse avec la géométrie ! / Grade 6 fun with geometry!

En 6ème, nous avons travaillé sur les mesures de longueurs, tracé des cercles et différentes formes géométriques .  Jeudi, nous avons soigneusement tracé un tangram  en forme de cœur, que nous avons ensuite colorié et découpé. Avec les morceaux, nous nous sommes amusés à reconstituer différentes silhouettes : un chat, un oiseau...

Si vous voulez faire pareil, demandez-nous en 6ème,  nous serons ravis de vous montrer !


In Grade 6 we worked on measuring lengths, tracing circles et other geometric shapes. On Thursday, we carefully traced a heart-shaped tangram, which we coloured in and cut out.  With the pieces, we had fun creating various shapes: a cat, a bird...

If you would like to try, please come and ask in the Grade 6 classes, we will be delighted to show you how!