Learning Gallery

Leader of Pedagogy News

Dear Parents and Carers,


It has been wonderful to see students working towards achieving their reading goals this term with a laser-like focus on developing their comprehension skills. 


In particular, students have been learning about how to infer meaning when reading a text. Inferential comprehension is the ability to process written information and understand the underlying meaning of the text. 


This information is then used to infer or determine the deeper meaning that is not explicitly stated. Inferential comprehension requires readers to:

  • combine ideas
  • draw conclusions
  • interpret and evaluate information
  • identify tone and voice.

To help your child at home when completing their home reader, start with asking questions about how the character feels? Why a character acts or behaves in a certain way? What do you think the character is thinking?

MaST News

Stage One has been working diligently during our numeracy block to create, represent, and continue various patterns with numbers and objects. 


Students have engaged in a number of hands-on activities and have been focusing on explaining their mathematical thinking. Patterns are the foundation of numeracy skills. Without a solid understanding of patterns, students may not understand numbers.

Some ideas you could try at home include:

  • What different types of shape patterns are there at home or in the neighbourhood? Your child will find patterns in clothing, in wallpaper, in tiles, on toys, and among trees and flowers in the park. Encourage your child to describe the patterns found. Try to identify the features of the pattern that are repeated.

Kindest Regards,


Elise Avery

Acting Leader of Pedagogy/MaST Coordinator


Congratulations to the following students who have received their pen licence!


Dannika O'Brien and Tara Langfield

Leaders of Learning (Stage 2)


Stage 3 has been working diligently during our Literacy Block to achieve their individual writing goals. In particular, we have been focusing on literacy descriptions, where students have created their own characters and produced a published piece of writing and an accompanying illustration. 


Sarita Mallinson and Matthew Hamblin

Leaders of Learning (Stage 3)