Wellbeing Resources




Did you know there have been studies done that show gratitude can actually build your positivity and improve your mental health?  Being appreciative for the things you have, feeling grateful for people, objects and/or events, giving thanks for things you receive are all examples of gratitude.  Looking positively at situations helps us feel grateful for what we have, rather than focusing on those things we don’t have or have missed out on.

How do I practice gratitude?

There are three easy steps to follow - 

  1. Notice good things, look for them and appreciate them.
  2. Pay attention and savour these good things and let them sink in.
  3. Express your gratitude by doing something kind for someone else, write down things you are grateful for or thank someone.

Adults and children can all practice gratitude and be grateful for something.  You may feel thankful for having a warm bed to sleep in, or you might feel grateful you can work to earn money to buy food.  You may feel blessed to have a family to support you when you need, or for the rain to water the garden and make the grass green.  Gratitude doesn’t have to cost anything, it feels good and sometimes when you are feeling down can lift your spirit.  What are you grateful for today?

Try this family Gratitude Challenge to help teach gratitude to children -



If you need a chat or some ideas of what to do with the kids, please reach out…I am only too happy to make time for you.


If there is a particular topic of interest that you would like to know about or if you have any questions please feel free to email me at mmakin@smechuca.catholic.edu.au


Take care and stay safe 



School Social Worker