Catholic Identity



This Sunday’s Gospel- John 13:31-35

Jesus gives his disciples a new commandment:  love one another.

Is love the first word your family uses to describe their interactions? 

Love can be challenging in the daily interactions we have with family, with friends, with colleagues and strangers, yet Jesus’ sacrifice for us is an example of love. Because of this love, the grace of God is revealed to us through his son Jesus. When we act with love and grace for all those we interact with, we act as God asks of us. In the love we have for one another, although at times challenging, we find Jesus.

Family connection- this week, think of one or two occasions when you have been gathered as a family. If an outsider was looking in, what would they see? Consider, when is it less difficult to show love to family members? When love is challenging, what do we do?. It is when it is more challenging that we need to turn to Jesus’ example to deliberately love.


Love one another.

Love one another when the light is dim and injustice rules.

Love one another by celebrating.

Love one another through aiding the lonely.

Love one another by listening deeply.

Love one another by protecting the poor and marginalized.

Love one another by caring for creation and knowing her needs.

Love one another.


Next Week- Week 4 - our school will acknowledge National Sorry Day- Thursday 26th May and the beginning of Reconciliation  Week - 27th May-3rd June, with a Whole School liturgy @12pm- this will be run by our Year 3 community. We will be commissioning our FIRE Carriers at this liturgy. All families are warmly welcome to join our school community in the Brigidine Centre.


In Week 5, we will be participating in a Pentecost prayer ritual. Year levels will gather at a time suited to their classroom timetable on the day. Pentecost is Sunday 5th June. 


In Week 6, Thursday 9th June, our school community is invited to join us in our ‘New Beginnings’ Mass. As we did not have a start of year mass due to Fr Pompayo leaving our parish, Covid restrictions and the wish to be able to gather together for our first mass of the year, we have waited until our new priest Novi is with us and restrictions have been eased- Thus ‘New Beginnings…’ We will also be farewelling Brendan Atley at this mass, and families are invited to stay for refreshments after the mass to farewell Mr Atley and welcome Fr Novi and Mrs Ryan.

All families are warmly welcomed to join us at 12pm in the Brigidine Centre.


In Week 7, 4th June- Fr Novi’s return from Cebu- it would be great to have as many families as possible at the Saturday evening (6pm) or Sunday morning (9.30am) mass to show support for him and to welcome him into our community.


Sacramental Program.

We offer prayers of love and support for our students who have begun their sacramental journey last night. Commitment masses will begin over the next 2 weekends, we look forward to seeing you at these masses. Don’t forget to bring along your Enrolment profile and dove. Your purple stole will be at the back of the church for you to wear each time you come to mass, so that parishioners know that you are preparing for your First Reconciliation.

We will keep you all in our prayers.

The timeline for the 2022 Parish Sacramental preparation program: 

Mass Times:

St Mary’s Church 258 Hare Street, Echuca

Wednesday - Mass Midday - Church

Weekend Mass Times:

Saturday 6.00pm & Sunday 9.30am

Reconciliation: Saturday 10.00am


St Mary’s Parish Centre

224-230 Anstruther Street, Echuca 

Ph: (03) 5482 1127


Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 9.00am - 1.00pm


All other enquires:

Colette Porter 0457 583 536

Christine Sebire: 0411 627 645


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Facebook- St Mary’s Parish Echuca