Chaplain's Corner 2022

We have come to the end of an extraordinary year. As a School Community we have faced challenges and had to adapt and accept change right from the minute we arrived on day one term one.
Covid had a big impact in Term 1 and 2 with much sickness and need for isolation. Then I have had the privilege to watch as each of us have risen again and again above challenges in our personal lives, finances, family situations and the World at large. You may feel tired, you may feel weary or maybe you are relieved and grateful. What I tell our students is it is important to acknowledge and accept our feelings but know that our feelings are not necessarily the final answer or solution. The way we get back up again, the way we treat others around us while we may not be at our best, the empathy and kindness we can show when things aren't going our way is what can change our situations.
I am so grateful for the lessons I have learnt about myself this year. I am so grateful for the support of those around me. As a Community we can know " we are braver than we believe, strong that we seem and smarter that we think".
I look forward to supporting Marangaroo School Community in 2023. To all our staff and students have a wonderful holiday. To all our families take care, look after each other and reach out when you need help. Thank you for allowing me into your lives and your families in 2022 and see you in 2023. :-)
Tammy Bija
School Chaplain
Tuesday and Friday