Principal's Message

Thank You, MPS Staff
We are coming to the end of what has been one of the most challenging years in education, and indeed across most areas of the community. We have had major staff shortages in all schools across the state and country and, as a result, have asked more from our staff than ever before.
I would like to start by thanking our dedicated, passionate, caring, thoughtful (and for the most part, exhausted!) staff for all they have done to support not only the students, but our broader community, along with each other, throughout the year. Despite the challenges that 2022 has brought, I am pleased to share that we have made significant gains across the school.
This year our teachers embarked on a new challenge that has involved quite a shift in the way we teach across the whole school - Explicit Direct Instruction - EDI. We started to implement these new strategies within our spelling program, and have seen significant gains in our student results, based on the data we have collected throughout the year. Next year, we will continue this focus as we move towards other learning areas, including Maths.
We have maintained focus on rewarding positive behaviours at school, as well as introduced the prize wheel, which quickly became a much sought-after activity!
Christmas Carols
Last Wednesday we held the Christmas Carols on the school oval, with the space being decorated by the students. It was so wonderful to see so many students and their families coming together to enjoy a night of singing and festivities. We also had some activities for the children (and adults) to enjoy, with the dunk tank being the biggest hit of the evening! A big thanks to the committee who brought that event together, as well as to the Hamersley Scouts for the dunk tank and the Girrawheen Lions Club for kindly donating their time to run the train rides. We look forward to making the Christmas Carols an annual tradition.
New Staff
Next year we are excited to welcome several new staff members. We have Mr Robert Lee coming on board, three days per week, as our new Physical Education teacher. We also have Mrs Belinda Cahill joining the team full-time in a lower-primary class and Miss Bianca Swift in a senior classroom 2-3 days per week.
In addition to this, Mrs Campbell is taking leave for the whole of Term One and we have Mrs Sonia Moyle covering her as Program Coordinator for the SLP for the duration. Mrs Smith is also taking leave for the first two terms.
We look forward to welcoming our new staff into the Marangaroo community next year.
Class Lists and Transitions
Class lists will be posted on the staffroom windows (near the reception doors) at the end of today. Please note that there is always the possibility of changes, but this is the plan as it currently stands.
On Wednesday, between Recess and Lunch, students will spend a session in their new classrooms, with their new teachers, where possible. The goal of this session is for students to get to know their new teacher, as well as the students in their 2023 classrooms.
Book Awards
Congratulations to the recipients of the book awards at this morning's assembly. While we would love to give an award to every student for their individual achievements, this was a great opportunity to celebrate just some of the students' successes from throughout the year. I wish to thank our outgoing student councillors, Geoff, Amber, Karissa and Payton for hosting their final assembly at Marangaroo.
At the assembly, we also announced the student leaders for next year. Our Student Councillors for 2023 will be Ruby-Rose, Moses and Noah, whose first duty will be to host tomorrow's Year Six graduation ceremony. In addition to our councillors, we have Ashleigh and Aiden in the roles of Science and Music Captains respectively, as well as Roger, Aleah, Jason, Mason, Lucas and Maddy in the roles of Faction Captains. We look forward to seeing their leadership in 2023.
Passing of Marie Hahn - Past Mentor
Marie was a mentor at Marangaroo Primary for many years. She passed away on December 2. Up until recent years she still participated in our footy tipping competitions and made relishes and jams for everyone at Christmas. Our condolences go out to Marie's family.
Final Week Ahead
With only a few days remaining of the term, I would like to thank our wonderful Marangaroo families for working with us throughout the year to support your children. We work hard to make a difference, but this is not possible without the ongoing support that our families provide.
Thefirst day back for students next year will be Wednesday 1 February. For our Kindy students, this will be the 'Monday/Tuesday' group's first day, with the 'Thursday/Friday' group starting on Thursday 2 February.
The uniform shop will be open between 9am and 12pm on Monday 30 January.
I hope you have a very enjoyable summer holidays with your children and I look forward to seeing most of you back in 2023!
Adrian Keenan