Hi families 

Well, our Colour Run last Friday was a huge success, so we have been told! Lots of happy squeals and huge smiles on children and adults alike. So with that, we would like to thank our volunteers. So thank you Aimee, Bec, Christopher, Helen, Kelly, Kim, Lydia, Mads, Matin, Monique, Sally, Sandra, Stephanie, Susan, Tessa and Kate for being our colour throwing team!

This Saturday we have the State Election BBQ from 8am (ish) until 4pm (ish). So please head down with your family and buy a sausage or 10!  Tis a great li'l fundraiser for our school, and also a nice and easy way to vote!  On Tuesday Dec 6th CHPS is holding their always loud and fun school Xmas Carols. So CHAPS is making it a bit easier for families, by offering a Snag Sizzle (BBQ). Pre-order now via FlexiSchools so you don't miss out. 

Now, to a not so fun reminder.

We STILL have 7 families who have been contacted, but have yet to pay for the Cadbury Chocolates that they took home. We need payment to be made ASAP, as we need to close off this fundraiser. You can either send in the envelope with cash/EFT details or hop on Compass.  Please make payment THIS week.If you HAVEN'T sold/eaten the chocolates, you can return the box of chocolates to the office ASAP so that we can offer them to other families to sell.

Thanks everyone

CHAPS Team 💜