Year 2 Bulletin

Spelling - Writing

Language:  Phonics and Word Knowledge


Understand how to use digraphs, long vowels, blends, silent letters and syllabification to spell simple words including compound words (VCELA226)


Learning Intention:To identify the groups of letters and their sounds in consonant digraphs.


Learning experience overview:


In this activity, students were asked to:

  1. Identify the digraph in the word ‘ch’ in lunch
  2. Sound talk it  (say each sound in the word separately)        l     u    n     ch
    counting the sounds on their fingers, as they say the sounds
  3. Write the word on mini whiteboards as they sound it out

Students complete the Digraph Word Sort and Fill in the Missing Digraph sheet.


Students need to be able to:

  • Identify the digraphs in words, with the understanding that a digraph can be found. at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word.
  • Break up a word into sounds, rather than individual letters.
  • Rebuild a word using digraphs and letters, and record it.


  • Helpful questions to ask when deciphering words: 
    • What sounds can you hear in the word? 
    • Can you see any digraphs in this word?
    • What letters make this digraph sound? Are they vowels or consonants?

What you can do now to continue the learning at home from this experience:

  • Continue to encourage your child/ren to write for pleasure at home, and share it with you.
  • When reading, point out digraphs, ask if they are consonant digraphs or vowel digraphs.
  • Find objects around the home whose names contain digraphs.
  • Ask them to write your shopping list – look for digraphs.
  • Play rhyming games.

Year 2 Notes:

Reading Journals


Reading Journals will be sent home this week. These are great sources of information to inform you and support your child with their reading.  Please record the books that your child is currently borrowing from the Take-home Reading Program.  Should your Reading Journal be misplaced, a new one can be purchased from the Office for $10.


Student Teacher Aide


2E has a new student Teacher Aide from RMIT, Marcus Gaffney, who will be working with us every Tuesday until June. 




Year 2 will be hosting our whole school Assembly this week. We would love to see you if you are able to come.