Prep Bulletin

A snapshot into Spelling

Learning intention: We are learning to look carefully at words and identify what is similar in how they look and how they sound.


Learning experience overview:


This is an insight into one spelling lesson where we explored the phoneme (sound) and grapheme (letter) ‘Aa’. The lesson follows our instructional model of Whole, Small, Whole. 




As a class we explored the ‘Aa’ alphabet card, unpacking the letter name, sound and an object that starts with that letter. Then we brainstormed words that start with /a/ as well as words that have /a/ in the middle. For this lesson we are focusing on the most common sound 'a' makes (as in applecatat). 





To consolidate their learning, students completed the pages in their phonics book. See pictures below. 




To revise and reflect as a class, we practised identifying the /a/ sound in words with sound boxes. Students pushed the sound buttons as they read each sound aloud. 

In this learning experience, students will work towards:

  • Listening to the sounds in words and identifying words that have an /a/ sound 
  • Identifying where they hear the /a/ sound (start, middle, end)

Examples of students work:


What you can do now to continue the learning at home from this experience:

  • Practise the list words at the top of the page (bag, as, fan, at) 
  • Play I Spy with words beginning with /a/
  • Notice words in our environment that have an /a/ in them.