Round the classes
Reception class: Katie
In the Reception class we have been busy learning what it is like to be at school. We have been learning about whole school and classroom routines. In Literacy we have started learning about rhyming words and have been practising the movements needed for letter formation. In Maths we have been learning about grouping and sorting.
As part of History we have been learning about ourselves. On Friday we painted some wonderful self portraits! These are on display in the hallway for everyone to see. This week we have been really enjoying going to swimming lessons.
Year 1class: Kelly and Troy
What a great and busy start of the year. The children have settled well with the classroom routines. We have discussed classroom expectations and came up with some class goals. We discussed what the classroom should look like, feel like and sound like.
The Zones of Regulation have been introduced and the children have talked about how they feel when they are in the blue, red, yellow and green zones.
For maths, we have been learning about how everybody can be mathematicians. We have been learning about how to prove our thinking by modelling, explaining and reasoning. That it's okay to make mistakes as that's how you learn. To stick at it even if it's really challenging and to think deeply when learning.
It's great to see how engaged the children have been with all their learning so far.
Year 2 class: Sam and Suzie
Well... it is safe to say the Year 2 class are exhausted after a fun and busy week of swimming lessons! All parents should be incredibly proud of the kindness, manners and respect displayed by our students during the week. We were fortunate to spend some time in Hazelwood Park after our swimming lessons. Sam had several members of the community make a point of coming up and letting her know how 'well mannered, respectful and beautifully behaved' our class were. You are all a huge credit to the school and to your parents Year 2 students!
We were fortunate to see a 13-month-old koala up close at Hazelwood Park. A kind lady who takes care of the koalas at Burnside, came and spoke to us about how to keep ourselves safe and take care of wild koalas. A very special experience for our class.
Over the past two weeks, we have been reflecting on our previous learning with the Zones of Regulation and talking about the emotions we feel when we are in a particular zone. Please continue to discuss the Zones with your children at home.
In maths lessons we discovered that mathematics is used by everyone and that everyone can be a maths person. We also learnt it is important to model, represent and explain to prove our thinking in mathematics
What an amazing start to the school year the Year 2 class have had! We look forward to settling into our regular routine and enjoying our learning journey together this term.
Year 2/3 class: Stephen and Henry
We have had two busy weeks settling into new routines. We enjoyed completing some paintings for display to start making our learning space feel like it’s ours. Our work is shown in the images below. We have also enjoyed the daily swimming lessons at the pool.
A big part of our learning is focusing on the Zones of Regulations. We check-in with ourselves throughout our day to see how we are travelling. Our next step is to focus on writing, making sure we establish some goals that we can focus on.
Year 4/5 class: Alex
During our first two weeks of the school year students have been setting up their classroom rules and expectations. They have been participating in discussions around what behaviours are expected and unexpected in the classroom and how they expect and agree the class should behave and treat each other in order for everyone to feel safe and focused on their learning. Students have co- written a classroom agreement outlining these shared expectations.
Students have also been participating in health lessons around the Zones of Regulation. Students can use this tool to reflect on and identify the emotion they are experiencing and check in on which zone they are in and what they can do to take action to self-regulate their emotions.
To gear up for learning this year students have been creating a class poster of The Learning Pit. They have been exploring how it is normal to feel challenged and frustrated when learning something new. We have investigated what to do when in the learning pit and when feeling stuck. Students have also created individual digitally designed posters for themselves to remind them of strategies and self- talk to use when feeling stuck in the learning pit.
Students have been completing pre-assessments in place value, multiplication tables, spelling and narrative writing to inform their starting points for their learning in these areas this term. They have also been busy organising new stationery and book covers.
In week two students have thoroughly enjoyed a busy week of swimming. They have been organised, co-operative and calm as a large group of all year 4/ 5 students. The beautiful weather has been a treat.
Year 5/6 class: Sallie
Welcome to the 2023 school year. I have enjoyed getting to know my new class.
They already seem settled and open to learning. Together we have set our class expectations and put posters up in our classroom.
As a staff we have undertaken some training in understanding the Zones of Regulation - it would be great if you could ask your child what they understand of this and have them tell you about the personal card on their desk.
For English we have completed a spelling test which will help me allocate students to different groups according to their needs. We have done a narrative piece of writing so that we can set goals for future pieces of writing and in Maths we have been working on our Maths Mentals with the aim of sharing our ideas and strategies for different questions. We have completed a "get to know you" piece of art (see picture below) and started a research assignment about having a holiday in Austalia.
And around all this the Year 5s have had is it only week 2???
I look forward to seeing everyone at Acquaintance Night next week.
Science: Troy
Students have started the year learning about Physical and Biological Sciences.
The Receptions are learning about the senses to help notice the world around them.
The year ones are learning about the needs of animals and the year twos about sound. The 2/3s are learning about heat transfer with the two older classes focussing on the properties of light. Here are some images of our two older classes.
PE: Henry
For the first two weeks of this year, the whole school has been practicing hula hooping in PE! What fun! The junior primary classes have also been practicing their fundamental movements. This included jumping, skipping and throwing. The Year 6 group have started to practice for the Athletics Carnival later in the term with a lesson on shotput and discuss. Looking ahead, this term we have a one-day SANFL footy clinic, four weeks of cricket, and sports day to look forward to. Let's hope for this wonderful weather to continue!
Indonesian : Ibu Susan
In Indonesian we have been busy getting our books and folders organised, revising key words and looking at where Indonesia is on the map. It has been lovely meeting all the new reception students! After swimming week we will begin our topic of Keluarga Saya
(My Family).