Community Update 

Ride for a Cause 

Following last week’s World Kindness Donation Drive, which resulted in multiple bags of much-needed food, our Year 7s recently whipped up over 1,500 sandwiches for kids in need. 


Not only that, we had over 100 kids jump on the bikes for 15 minutes each over an 8-hour stretch to raise funds for Eat Up Australia


Eat Up Australia is made up of an amazing team of dedicated volunteers who bring nutritious food to the one in five school kids experiencing hunger across Australia.


You are welcome to donate here.

Farewell cards for our Year 12 students

Our Junior School students recently presented cards to our Year 12s to farewell them at their Valedictory dinner. 

These cards have been illustrated by Jacob Le-Phan and Thomas Nuth. How amazing! The cards were once again a big hit and much appreciated by our Year 12s.

Bayan's 8th Birthday Fundraiser

Bayan Gornall, Year 1, recently held a fundraiser for his 8th birthday and asked for donations in lieu of presents. 


His classmates generously contributed and together they raised a phenomenal $1475 for the Monash Children's Hospital. The Hospital had asked for ride-on cars, over-the-door basketball hoops, soft balls and teddy bears for the ICU unit. They raised enough for everything they needed and more!


This is the 3rd year running that Bayan has wanted to do this. What an incredibly lovely and kind gesture from our very young students! 






Special report - Gambling and young people

The digital era has made gambling more accessible, and certain factors are elevating the risk of problematic gambling among young people. 


A new grey area is emerging, with smartphones at their fingertips blurring the boundaries between gambling and entertainment, especially within the realms of video games and social media. 


It's crucial to foster open discussions about positive media choices to help children navigate through responsible online gaming and gambling. By encouraging a balanced approach to screen time and promoting alternative activities, will help set some clear boundaries to avoid potential gambling-related issues. 


This Special Report provides guidance on how to empower young people to make responsible choices in this digital age. 


We hope you take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please consider seeking medical or professional help.


Here is the link to your special report.